6-page introductory essay on Civil War photographer Alexander Gardner's use of pictures to convey the real human cost of the war, with images, links, and bibliography
A 4 -page essay on the historical context of the Back to Africa movement includes additional links, discussion questions, and extension ideas. This can be used with the lesson plan "Back to Africa Movement: Marcus Garvey, W.E.B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington."
Created as part of the TPS Civil Rights Fellowship, this guide explore some of the individuals buried in Benevolent Cemetery and includes ideas for how to use cemeteries as teaching tools for local history.
4-page introductory essay on the struggles and successes of white and black citizens (particularly in Tennessee) during the period of Reconstruction, with images, links, and bibliography
5-page introductory essay on the different roles that women played during the Civil War and how the war impacted their lives, with images, links, and bibliography
Additional Resources for Secondary Source Information