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Mary Ellen Sloane: Profile

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Mary Ellen Sloane
James E. Walker Library, Box 13
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132
(615) 898-2526
Social: Twitter Page

Library Faculty

horseback rider

Mary Ellen Sloane is a Professor of User Services in the Walker Library. Her undergraduate degree in Philosophy focused on logic, ethics, and epistemology, and her graduate degree in Library and Information Science focused on library administration, organization of information, archives, and library reference and instruction services.  She has written and presented on collection development, library consortia, web applications for electronic resources, web site development, library instruction, and distance education. Her research interests are collection development, bibliometrics, scholarly communication, electronic resources management, web site usability, and information literacy.
She is an avid hiker and a lifelong horse rider. 

Publications and presentations

Sloane, M. E., Harrison, T., Limson, K., Meehan, H., & Nieman, J. (2023). A Science Librarian in Africa. In B. Bernhardt, L. Hinds, & L. Meyer (Eds.), Charleston Conference Proceedings, 2022. Michigan Publishing Services. 

Karen S. Oberhauser, Alfonso Alonso, Stephen B. Malcolm, Ernest H. Williams, & Myron P. Zalucki. (2019). Lincoln Brower, Champion for Monarchs. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. [Figure 1. Coauthor network of Lincoln Brower and his 167 coauthors; prepared by Mary Ellen Sloane and Reana Gibson, MTSU]

Sloane, M. E., Quintel, D. F., & Groves, C. (2018). Lesson plan pilot project for physical science. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, (90)

Iriarte-Gross, J., Sloane, M. E., Fitzgerald-Quintel, D., Listhartke, H., & Groves, C. (2018). Building new information literacy collaborations at MTSU between library faculty and chemistry faculty. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 255

FitzGerald Quintel, D., Sloane, M.E., Troelstrup, A. (2018) Evaluating and Reporting on Authority in Scientific Information. In J.L. Mattson and M.K. Oberlies (Eds.) “Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice”. Chicago, IL: Association of College and Research Libraries. 

FitzGerald Quintel, D., & Sloane, M. E. (2016). A brief introduction to ACRL's information literacy framework and how it may impact technical services. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 28(3), 201-204.

Sloane, M. E. (2016). Promoting author identifiers at colleges and comprehensive universities. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 28(2), 127-129.

(As Mary Ellen Pozzebon)

Mangrum, S., Pozzebon, M.E. (2012) Use of collection development policies in electronic resource management. Collection Building, 31, 3, 108-114.

Pozzebon, M.E., Liedtka, T., Luck, D. (2009). Partner Your Way to Success: Advancing Consortia Opportunities in the Volunteer State. In B. Bernhardt, L. Hinds, K. Strauch (Eds.), Charleston Conference Proceedings, [Available in 2012 proceedings due to publication error]. Charleston, SC: Charleston Information Group, LLC.

Geckle, B., Pozzebon, M.E., Williams, J. (2008). Records for Electronic Databases in the Online Catalog at Middle Tennessee State University. Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 20(4), 243-255.

Pozzebon, M.E., Wang, J., West, K. (2008).  Providing and Managing Access to Subject Resources. Tennessee Libraries, 58(1). Retrieved 12/10/08 at


Sloane, M. E., Zhou, H., Ozer, O.K., Byun, M., Rezapour, R., Asgari, Y. (2023, June). Global disparities in research contributing to SDGs: attention, funding, and leadership. 2nd International Conference of Science of Science & Innovation, Center for Science of Science and Innovation, Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.  

Sloane, M. E., Nieman, J., Meehan, H. (2022, November). A Science Librarian in Africa. Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, SC.      

Sloane, M. E., (2022, March). TDM Licensing: What to Know. RDAP Summit 2022: Envisioning an Inclusive Data Future, Research Data Access and Preservation Association, virtual.

Sloane, M.E., (2021, December). Using Scopus for Bibliometrics. Presentation given at the Canada & U.S. SciVal and Scopus User Conference, hosted online by Carnegie Mellon University Libraries.

Sloane, M.E., Milazzo, M., (2021, November). The new balancing act: has an increased need for materials to support remote learning changed eBooks acquisition strategy for libraries? Presentation at the Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, S.C.

Sloane, M.E., (2019, November). Data Management and Visualization Lesson Plan for Graduate Students. Presentation given at the 39th Annual Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, S.C.

Sloane, M.E., (2019, March). What is data science? Moderated a forum at MTSU’s Learning, Teaching, & Innovative Technologies Center, Murfreesboro, TN.   

Sloane, M.E., (2019, March). Developing Collaborative Data Science Opportunities. Moderated a forum at MTSU’s Learning, Teaching, & Innovative Technologies Center, Murfreesboro, TN. 

Sloane, M.E., (2018, April). Open Data Forum. Moderated a forum at MTSU’s Learning, Teaching, & Innovative Technologies Center, Murfreesboro, TN. 

Sloane, M.E., Iriarte-Gross, J.M., Quintel, D.F., Groves, C., Listartke, H. (2018, March). Building New Information Literacy Collaborations at MTSU between Library faculty and Chemistry Faculty. Presentation at the American Chemical Society Conference, Division of Chemical Information, Chemical Information Literacy: Innovation, Collaboration & Assessment, New Orleans, LA.

Sloane, M.E. (2017, November). Bringing open data into focus on campus. Presentation given at the 36th Annual Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, S.C.

Sloane, M.E., Meadows, A., Masciulli, J., Erdmann, C. (2016, November). Author Identifiers in the Research Life-Cycle. Presentation given at the 36th Annual Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, S.C.

Sloane, M.E. (2016, October). Author Identifiers: ORCID and Researcher ID. Presentation given at the Tenn-Share Fall Conference in Nashville, TN.

Sloane, M.E., Hajdik, D., Jennings, S., Welch, C.C., Liedtka, T. (2016, April). Leading at All Levels. Presentation at the Tennessee Library Association conference in Kingsport, TN.

Sloane, M.E. (2016, March). Author Identifiers and Impact Metrics. Presentation at MTSU’s Learning, Teaching, & Innovative Technologies Center, Murfreesboro, TN.  

Sloane, M.E., Reed, K. (2015, February). Copyright guidelines and teaching tools. Presentation at the TBR Brightspace Ignite conference, Murfreesboro, TN.

Sloane, M.E., Wagnon, D. (2015, September). Copyright and Fair Use: Definitions and Best Practices. Presentation at MTSU’s Learning, Teaching, & Innovative Technologies Center, Murfreesboro, TN.  

Sloane, M.E. (2013, November). Brace for Impact: New Means of Measuring Research Metrics. Presentation at the 2013 LITA Forum, Louisville, KY.

(As Mary Ellen Pozzebon)

Mangrum, S., Pozzebon, M.E. (2011, March). The Role of Collection Development Policies in Today’s Academic Library. Presentation at the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, Austin, TX.

Allison, L., Leidtka, T., Luck, D., Pozzebon, M.E. (2010, March). Partner Your Way to Success: A Progress Report on Advancing Consortia Opportunities in the Volunteer State. A Tenn-Share sponsored session at the Tennessee Library Association Annual conference in Memphis, TN.

Pozzebon, M.E., Leidtka, T., Luck, D. (2009, November). Partner Your Way to Success: Advancing Consortia Opportunities in the Volunteer State. Presentation given at the 29th Annual Charleston Conference, Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition, Charleston, S.C.

Pozzebon, M.E., & Taylor, M. (2009, March). Electronic Resources Management in Today’s Library. Three-hour workshop presented at the Association of College & Research Libraries 14th National Conference, Seattle, WA.

Pozzebon, M.E., & West, K. (2008, April). Providing and Managing Access to Subject Resources. Presentation given at the Tennessee Library Association’s annual conference, Kingsport, TN.

Pozzebon, M.E., Taylor, M., & Wang, J. (2007, October) Collaboration and innovation for the management of subject guides. Presentation given at the Tennessee Library Association’s College & University Library’s Section conference, Nashville, TN.

Black, W., Pozzebon, M.E., & Taylor, M.  (2007, April). Strategies for Redesigning the Website to Reflect Library Transformation. Panel presentation at the Association of College & Research Libraries 13th National Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Pozzebon, M.E. (2005, May). Tips for Getting Students Involved in Library Instruction. Presentation given at the Tennessee Library Association’s West Tennessee Academic Library Consortium Reference Librarians’ meeting, Lane College, Jackson, TN.

Pozzebon, M.E. (2003, October). Distance Education Services. Presentation given at the Tennessee Library Association’s West Tennessee Academic Library Consortium Reference Librarians’ meeting, Jackson State Community College, Jackson, TN.

Pozzebon, M.E. (2003, August). Instructional Technology for Libraries. Presentation given at the Tennessee Library Association’s West Tennessee Academic Library Consortium Reference Librarians’ meeting, Christian Brother’s University, Memphis, TN.