These videos were produced or chosen by MTSU Librarians to help students and faculty find and use resources in the library and beyond. If there is a topic that you think we should feature, or if you have questions about sharing or embedding videos, please let us know! Email the Instructional Technology Support Librarian at
Learn about using Google Scholar to find sources for assignments, and also how to set up library links so you don't have to pay for articles.
Watch at YouTube (02:06)
Find textbooks and other course materials through the library. (1:37). Direct Link
This quick tour will show how to access the most popular resources and services (length: 2:16).
Learn how to find a primary research article using our JEWL Search (length 2:18).
What is the JEWL Search at Walker Library, and what is it good for? Watch this and find out why it's a great place to start your research. More about JEWL Search (length: 1:10)
Learn about the different types of reservable spaces in the Walker Library at MTSU and how to book them online (length: 4:21).
The DPLA contains millions of historical records including oral histories, newspaper clipping, images, videos, and more. YouTube Link
How to print from library computers in color and black and white. (1:26) Direct Link:
Learn how to use the JEWL Search to find research materials on any topic. We cover source types, finding peer-reviewed articles, and how to narrow your topic. More about JEWL Search (length: 6:14)
Find additional resources beyond the JEWL Search and take advantage of unique interfaces that make it easy to browse for information (length: 2:38). Direct link:
Learn the easy way to cite the sources you find through the Walker Library. Get downloadable references in MLA, APA, and more. Learn more about citing your sources (length: 1:52).
If the library doesn't own a book or article that you need, we can borrow it for you from another library at no cost. This video shows you how to place a request. More about Interlibrary Loan (length: 3:54)
Walker Library offers many tools and services for lifelong learning. From test prep to career skills to writing help, we can help you succeed as an adult learner (length: 2:49).
The Curriculum Collection at the Walker Library is a resource for education majors and anyone needing K-12 materials (length: 8:36).
Find historical newspapers from the US and other select countries. (length: 2:39) Direct Link
Can't decide which topic to choose for your research paper or speech? Already have a topic, but it's too broad? We have resources to help you choose from hundreds of interesting topics. Featured tools include Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher from the Choosing a Topic Research Guide (length: 6:54).
This video shows how to request an item using our Pull & Hold feature. For policies and pickup procedures, see (length:1:49).
Learn how to do a cited reference search in the Scopus database. (length 2:21)
The Walker Library at MTSU is converting the book collection from the Dewey Decimal system of organization to the Library of Congress (LC) system. Find out how to locate books with the new system, and learn some new tricks along the way. (length: 3:38)
This video shows MTSU students how to access MRI Simmons Insights and run a Quick Report for market research. (7:06)