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Technology Services

Using Computers in the Library

Students, Staff, and Faculty

To use a computer, log in with your MTSU credentials. If have forgotten or are required to change your password, visit the ITD password page. If you need assistance, visit the Library Technology Services desk on the 1st floor past the elevators. 


Visitors may obtain a temporary login at the Service Desk on the 1st floor to use on desktop computers. Guest access is also available for your personal laptop on the wireless network, though research database access is unavailable on a guest connection. To use the databases, log on to a library desktop computer. 

Types of Computers in the Library

Windows Desktop PCs: Available on the first floor and past the elevators on the upper floors, all group study rooms, and in the 4th floor Quiet Study Room (462). The PCs in group study rooms also have optical drives (for CD/DVD). 

Windows Laptops: Available to students for 2-week checkout at the Technology Services Desk on the 1st floor past the elevators. 

Macs: On the 2nd floor in the Makerspace area.

Linux Desktops: On the 2nd floor in the Makerspace area.

VR/AR/3D Computers: On the 2nd floor in the Makerspace area.

Adaptive Technology

The MTSU Adaptive Technology Center (ATC) is located on the first floor of the library in room 174. The ATC is open to the public, with priority given to MTSU students registered with the Disability & Access Center. If you are working in the ATC and have library-related questions, please ask a librarian or ask an ATC assistant to do so.

All public computers in the library contain current versions of JAWS, ZoomText, textHELP Read&Write Gold and Kurzweil 3000 software. In addition, at least one public computer on each floor is equipped with a large screen monitor, low vision keyboard, trackball mouse and a CCTV document viewer.