We are committed to offering responsive and professional service. If you have a question or require assistance, please ask a librarian or talk to a library employee at the nearest service desk.
The MTSU Adaptive Technology Center (ATC) is located on the first floor of the library in room 174. The ATC is open to MTSU students registered with MTSU's Disability & Access Center (DAC). If you are working in the ATC and have library-related questions, please ask a librarian or ask an ATC assistant to do so.
All public computers and loaner laptops in the library contain current versions of JAWS/ZoomText/Fusion accessibility software for screen reading and screen magnifying. At least one public computer on each floor is equipped with a large screen monitor, low vision keyboard, trackball mouse and a CCTV document viewer. Kurzweil 3000 and Texthelp's Read&Write reading and writing software are also installed on library computers and loaner laptops and are available for use by all MTSU students. Help getting started with these software programs is available on the ATC website.
If you need help locating or retrieving library material from any floor, please ask for assistance at the first floor circulation desk, or contact a librarian. Current MTSU students, employees, and faculty may also use the library's Pull and Hold service to request print books to be pulled before they visit.