Must register using MTSU email. If browser displays a security certificate warning accept certificate. Covers Federal, State, and International Tax Issues as well as Accounting and Audit and Financial and Estate Planning.
Access to S&P's Company and Industry Surveys, Stock Guides, Dividend Records, Mutual Fund Ratings and Corporation Records. Industry surveys are updated twice yearly and provide key data on more than 50 industries from Health Care to Telecommunications.
S&P Capital IQ NetAdvantage is available to all MTSU users through this link. The complete Capital IQ Platform, which provides deep information on companies, markets and people worldwide, is available in the University Computer Lab at BAS to students enrolled in certain business courses. Students should contact their instructor for registration information.
This book discusses what really happens at the CPA exam and how the candidate can better control the outcome. It provides the expert guidance on the techniques needed to pass today's CPA exam.
As a CPA Examination candidate, you are required to be thoroughly familiar with the entire examination journey – from the time you apply to take the examination until you pass all four sections. You must learn how the process works, what rules govern your progress, what requirements you have to meet, and what responsibilities you have as a candidate.