Walker Library is moving from the Dewey Decimal System of classification to the Library of Congress (LC) system. During this transition, we are using both systems. You can find a specific book's location and call number in the Library Catalog.
Books with Dewey call numbers are located on the 3rd and 4th floors.
Walker Library is moving from the Dewey Decimal System of classification to the Library of Congress (LC) system. During this transition, we are using both systems. You can find a specific book's location and call number in the Library Catalog.
Books with LC call numbers are located on the 2nd floor.
P Linguistics
PA Greek & Latin
PB Modern European Languages, Celtic Languages & Literature
PC Romance languages
PD Old Germanic & Scandinavian languages
PE English language
PF Dutch, Flemish, German languages
PG Slavic languages & literature
PH Finnish
PJ Oriental, Semitic
PK Indo-Iranian
PL East Asian, African, & Oceanic languages & literatures
PM Indigenous American, Artificial Languages
PN Literature, literary history & collections
PQ Romance literatures
PR English literature
PS American literature
PT Germanic literatures
Published dissertations and theses at MTSU in full-text. Consult JEWLScholar@MTSU and Middle TN Historical Theses & Dissertations for additional MTSU papers in digital form.
Up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on more than 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.
Poetry, prose, drama and fiction from Latino writers, 1872-present.
Specialized subject encyclopedias and dictionaries are great places to begin research. Use these in addition to Wikipedia.
A collection of online World Book encyclopedias for different user levels.
Indexing for articles and books on world history 1450-present.