Indexing and fulltext for business literature, 1980s to present.
Local, regional, national and international business news coverage of corporations, privately held companies, local start-ups, executive profiles, marketing, finance, and industry news. Coverage from 1985-present.
Abstracts, indexing and selected fulltext for scientific and technical publications.
Indexing and abstracts for nearly 800 core English-language, scientific and technical publications back to 1983. Full text of articles is available from more than 220 periodicals dating back to 1997. Content includes coverage of a wide variety of applied science specialties—acoustics to aeronautics, neural networks to nuclear and civil engineering, computers and informatics and much more. Vendor: EBSCO.
Fulltext multidisciplinary database of academic journals, magazines, periodicals and other reports, 19th century to present.
Academic Search Ultimate is an excellent source of scholarly journals in all academic disciplines. More than 13,600 journals are indexed and full text is provided for more than 9,000. Searchable cited references are provided for selected titles. Title List