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Anatomy of a Scholarly Article (animation from NCSU)
How to Read a Scientific Paper (online presentation from Purdue)
For more databases, see the A-Z Resources page.
Indexing and full text education articles dating back to 1929.
Citations and abstracts to over 750 educational journals, as well as conference proceedings, research reports, speeches, curriculum guides, etc.
Indexing and fulltext for education, 1984 to present.
Indexing for leading education periodicals, 1929 to 1983.
Indexing for key library science publications, including book reviews, 1997 to present.
Online access to core journals of the American Psychological Association and its partners through the EBSCOhost platform.
Indexing and abstracting for psychology and related fields, 1806 to present, on the EBSCOhost platform.
This video (9:39) from North Carolina State University explains the basics of conducting an academic literature review.
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Please use JEWL Search to locate a print journal or search for articles about your topic.
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What is it? Why is it important? (from NCSU)