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Distance Learning : Books

This guide provides information for MTSU and TN eCampus distance learners and their instructors.

Print Book Mail Delivery

 If you are a distance learner with no on-campus classes who lives outside of Rutherford County, you may request a book that the library owns through our Interlibrary Loan system. When requesting the book, mention in the notes field that you are a distance learner and need to have the book mailed to you. You must be registered for an MTSU distance learning course, live outside of Rutherford County, and have no on-campus classes to have MTSU books mailed to you. There is no charge to have books mailed to you, but you will be responsible for return postage.

If MTSU does NOT own the book you need, you may borrow it from another school through the Interlibrary Loan System, ILLiad . When requesting the book, mention in the notes field that you are a distance learner and need to have the book mailed to you. The book will be mailed to you as soon as possible. This option may take a few weeks, so plan ahead. Read more about Interlibrary Loan. You will be responsible for return postage.


Getting Started Searching for Books

You may search for books using either the JEWL SEARCH or Library Catalog.

Arrows point to JEWL SEarch and Library Catalog on the library webpage

Please note that JEWL SEARCH results initially includes listings and reviews of  books that are not all owned or licensed by the library.  See the JEWL Search Example for ways to limit to books available through MTSU.


If you were searching for books on global warming enter the search terms in search box.  Use Advance Search if you would like to select search filters before receiving your search results.

JEWL SEARCH with global warming entered as search terms

JEWL SEARCH includes many types of resources including books, articles, and videos.  You will often initially see a very large number of search results.  When looking just for books a good way to narrow your results is to first  limit to library catalog and then to books under Source Types.


After applying these limits we now have 934 books displayed as our search results.  Our results will include both print and eBooks.  Please note the options for Print Book Delivery in the information box on the left.  Fortunately, we have many eBooks available on our search topic.  We can easily limit to eBooks under the Source Types on the left-hand side.

After we select this limit  334 books are listed which can be accessed remotely using either a PipelineMT username and password or the TN eCampus login for students taking TN eCampus classes where MTSU is not the designated home school.  These books are available 24/7 whether the physical library is open or closed.  Consider narrowing your results more by using the publication date limit and the subject limits.  Anytime you are not happy with your search results after using a limit just click on the  next to the limiter to go back to your previous results.










Ebooks at Walker Library

Walker Library provides access to thousands of academic ebooks on many differnet platforms for MTSU users. However, there are some differences between these and ones you buy for your personal e-reader or mobile device. Ebooks accessed through Walker Library may have some restrictions.

Just like journal articles are found on different platforms. Each platform may have its own set of rules for how to access, read, print or download.  Some platforms may require you to "check out" a book to download it for offline reading.  Some allow only one user at a time. This means a book you want may be in use and unavailable. 

 Just search the catalog  (choose Ebooks in Material Type) or JEWL search (limit to books) to locate ebooks. 

(Adapted from Coastal Carolina University)