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Introduction to D2L's ePortfolio

This guide is designed to introduce you to the basics of creating an ePortfolio.


Video 1: Finding and Uploading the MT Engage E-portfolio Scholarship Template 

Hello everyone, in this video, I will talk you through finding, downloading and installing the MT Engage E-portfolio Scholarship template.  

To qualify for the Scholarship, you must use this template and answer all the questions built in.

The first thing I’m going to do is visit the MT Engage home page, and to do this I’m going to do a Google search for MT Engage. 

 We are looking for a link which says MT Engage Middle Tennessee State University.  

There may also be a link called what is MT Engage, but this will not take us where we want to go, so I would suggest skipping that link right now.  

Once on the homepage for the MT Engage Program, on the left side of the page there will be a list of links such as about us, Fall 2019 course list, etc.  

One link says info for students.  

When you click on that it will reveal a dropdown menu with several links.  

You want to click on the one that says scholarship information, which is currently the second link down from the top.  

Here you will see sections such as scholarship requirements and deadlines. 

 In the middle of the page under the section E-portfolio Presentation Procedures, you will find a link titled Template Zip file.  

To use the MT Engage template we must first download it, so I am going to click on the link, again Template zip file under the E-portfolio Presentation procedures.  

When the download is finished, I will now be able to add the MT Engage Template to my E-portfolio and use it for the scholarship. 

The next thing we are going to do is to add the template to our e-portfolio.

To do this, you should log into D2L look for the e-portfolio tab, which should be the second tab just below the True Blue learning Banner at the top of the screen.

The page that you are on now is your home base for all your e-portfolio needs, and will function like a social media news feed:

Anything new you add to your e-portfolio will appear here, and you should add all new documents here before making changes to your presentation.

To get the template into our e-portfolio, we are going to look for the My Items tab in the second row of tabs from the top of the page. The second tab will be the My Items tab, and we want to click on it.

You’ll now see a new page with a third row of tabs, including Add, New presentation, New Collection, and More Actions. Click on the More Actions tab.

This will reveal a dropdown menu. For right now, we want to focus on the last item on the menu: the Go to Import/Export page.

On this new page, below the Import/Export E-portfolio Content header, there will be an import button. Click on that.

This will give you an option to choose a file from your computer. You want to find where you saved the Template Zip file, and open it.

Then click next this could take a few seconds to a minute depending on the speed of your computer, but you should arrive at a page which gives you a preview of the items you intend to import.

At the bottom of the screen is an import button. Click on that.

D2L will import the template in the background, so you can click done at the bottom of the page and return to the Import/Export screen.

From here you can return to the top of the page, just below the banner, and click on the second tab, E-Portfolio, to return to your home base news feed.

If you’ve followed these steps, you should see the template on your feed in the middle of the screen.

Now you have the MT Engage Scholarship Template in your E-Portfolio.