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Introduction to D2L's ePortfolio

This guide is designed to introduce you to the basics of creating an ePortfolio.

Uploading to Class Dropbox


Video 11: Uploading to a Class Dropbox

The final step in your ePortfolio journey is to submit your ePortfolio to your instructor for grading.

Many instructors use Dropbox to collect and grade assignments, and luckily Dropbox can handle ePortfolio files.

Before we dive into the tutorial, I suggest you watch the previous video, “Sharing Your Presentation.”

In that video we explore how to generate a link to your ePortfolio.

I like to include this link when submitting to Dropbox, as a safeguard for my instructor to better access my portfolio. 

Once you have the link, we can dive into Dropbox.

Another warning: D2L does not work well on Internet Explorer, especially Dropbox.

More than likely, you will have difficulty submitting your ePortfolio if you use Internet Explorer, difficulty you will not have with Google Chrome or Firefox.

Please try to use either Chrome or Firefox for this step.

I am going to show you how to submit with a class I have previously taught. 

This means that the screen you are seeing will be slightly different based on the design your instructor decided on or the assignments specific to your class. 

Despite that, the process will be the same. 

Head to the Dropbox section of your course shell.

Once there, find the Dropbox specific to your assignment.

If you are not sure what the title is, please ask your instructor.

Once inside the Dropbox, you will scroll to the bottom of the page.

There is a section to write comments to your instructor; I usually paste my ePortfolio link in this space.

Make sure that the link activates, by turning blue and underlining, so you know it will work for your instructor.

The next step is to attach the ePortfolio.

Just as you normally would, select the add files button above the comments section.

Instead of selecting my computer, select the ePortfolio option.

You will then be taken to your ePortfolio Newsfeed to select the artifact or presentation you want to attach. 

Make sure you select the correct portfolio; you will notice that next to the title is a little Earth symbol, meaning that the portfolio is shareable. 

Once you have selected your portfolio, hit the select button.

A screen will appear with a loading bar. 

The screen should disappear once the upload has finished. If the screen doesn’t disappear, even if the loading bar says 100% complete, then your ePortfolio has not uploaded correctly, and you will have to try again.

Again, this is an issue which happens the most on Internet Explorer, so if you can, try switching to Google Chrome or Firefox. 

Once the loading screen has disappeared you can submit your ePortfolio, review the confirmation page, and then check for the submission receipt in your D2L email.