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*Anthropology: Books & Reference

Call Numbers in the Library

Walker Library is moving from the Dewey Decimal System of classification to the Library of Congress (LC) system. During this process, we are using both systems, with LC books and Dewey books on different floors. You can find a specific book's location and call number in the Library Catalog. We currently have books from all subjects in both systems; books acquired since December 2020 or loaned and returned since that time are classified in LC. 

Browse Call Numbers for Anthropology & Archaeology

Books with LC call numbers are on the 2nd floor. Click on a class below for more detailed information. 

C Auxiliary Sciences of History

CB History of civilization & culture
CC Archaeology
CC1-960 Archaeology
CC72-81 Philosophy. Theory
CC73-81 Methodology
CC83-97 Study and teaching. Research
CC135-137 Preservation, restoration, and conservation of antiquities. Antiquities and state
CC140 Forgeries of antiquities
CC200-260 Bells. Campanology. Cowbells
CC300-350 Crosses
CC600-605 Boundary stones
CC700-705 Stone heaps, cairns, etc., of unknown purpose
CC710 Hill figures
CC960 Lanterns of the dead

G Geography, Anthropology, Recreation

GN Anthropology
GN1-890 Anthropology
GN49-298 Physical anthropology. Somatology
GN51-59 Anthropometry
GN62.8-265 Human variation, including growth, physical form, skeleton, nervous system, skin, etc.
GN269-279 Race (General)
GN280.7 Man as an animal. Simian traits versus human traits
GN281-289 Human evolution
GN282-286.7 Fossil man. Human paleontology
GN296-296.5 Medical anthropology
GN301-674 Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology
GN357-367 Culture and cultural processes, including social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc.
GN378-396 Collected ethnographies
GN397-397.7 Applied anthropology
GN406-517 Cultural traits, customs, and institutions
GN406-442 Technology. Material culture, including food, shelter, fire, tools, etc.
GN448-450.8 Economic organization. Economic anthropology
GN451-477.7 Intellectual life, including communication, recreation, philosophy, religion, knowledge, etc.
GN478-491.7 Social organization
GN492-495.2 Political organization. Political anthropology
GN495.4-498 Societal groups, ethnocentrism, diplomacy, warfare, etc.
GN502-517 Psychological anthropology
GN537-674 Ethnic groups and races
GN550-674 By region or country
GN700-890 Prehistoric archaeology
GR Folklore
GT Manners and customs
GV Dance, leisure, sports

Dewey call number books are located on the 3rd and 4th floors. Click here for a detailed breakdown of the Dewey Decimal Classification System. 

Social Sciences (3rd Floor)
300 Social sciences
301 Sociology & anthropology
302 Social interaction
303 Social processes
304 Factors affecting social behavior
305 Social groups
306 Culture & institutions
307 Communities
390 Customs, etiquette & folklore
391 Costume & personal appearance
392 Customs of life cycle & domestic life
393 Death customs
394 General customs
395 Etiquette (Manners)
398 Folklore
399 Customs of war & diplomacy

Science (3rd/4th Floors)
500 Science
510 Mathematics
520 Astronomy
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
550 Earth sciences & geology
560 Fossils & prehistoric life
570 Life sciences; biology
580 Plants (Botany)
590 Animals (Zoology)

Technology (4th Floor)
600 Technology
610 Medicine & health
620 Engineering
630 Agriculture
640 Home & family management
650 Management & public relations
660 Chemical engineering
670 Manufacturing
680 Manufacture for specific uses
690 Building & construction

700 Arts & Recreation (4th Floor)

800 Literature (4th Floor)

History & Geography (4th Floor)
900 History
910 Geography & travel
920 Biography & genealogy
930 History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
940 History of Europe
950 History of Asia
960 History of Africa
970 History of North America
980 History of South America
990 History of other areas

Library Catalog

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How to Borrow

To check out books and other items from the Walker Library, bring the items and your MTSU ID to the Circulation Desk on the 1st floor. See Borrowing Policies for limits and loan periods by item type and user type.