This guide contains a searchable and sort-able list of compositions performed during the 2022 Annual Concert and Sight Reading Performance Assessment presented by the Middle Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association (MTSBOA). If Walker Library has a copy of the conductor's score, the call number is included (linking to the online catalog).
Click on one of the headings (Grade, Title, Composer, Arranger, Call Number) to sort from A-Z. Click again to sort Z-A.
Click the arrows ( < > ) at the upper and lower right corners of the table to move to the next 50 titles on the list.
A note to local band directors...
K-12 educators in Tennessee may check out materials from the James E. Walker Library by filling out this Library Privileges Request Form and submitting it in person to the Service Desk, located on the first floor of Walker Library. Scores may be checked out for 28 days and may be renewed once. Teachers may have a maximum of 20 items checked out at one time. Materials not returned or damaged will be billed for replacement. Questions may be directed to the Visual & Performing Arts Librarian.