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Open Educational Resources (OER)

Benefits of Open Educational Resources:

  • Saves money for students by providing course materials that are freely accessible to everyone
  • Provides immediate access to course materials on the first day of class 
  • Allows instructors to customize course content to their specific instructional needs
  • Gives the opportunity to include diverse voices, examples, and perspectives in the curriculum
  • Improves student engagement and success

Did You Know...

  • The high cost of some course materials can impede students’ academic success.
  • MTSU advises undergraduates to budget $1260/year for books and supplies and advises graduate students to budget $540/year. (See Cost of Attendance webpage)
College student holding a sign that says
College student holding a sign that says
College student holding a sign that says
College student holding a sign that says
College student holding a sign that says
Textbook affordability tabling set up outside the library
Whiteboard with the prompt:
A bowl of lifesaver candies with a sign saying

Scholarship on Open Educational Resources: