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OER in Tenure and Promotion
Please note that our revised Policies 204 (Tenure) and 205 (Promotion) offer several opportunities for counting OER work. See the bold language below found in 204.II.J. and K.
- J. Teaching. Any activity that fosters and facilitates student learning, including, but not limited to, instruction, student advising and/or mentoring, assessment, and the development of course materials and courseware.
- K. Research/Scholarship/Creative Activity. Research/scholarship/creative activity encompasses the studious inquiry, examination, or discovery that contributes to disciplinary and interdisciplinary bodies of knowledge and is disseminated to an appropriate audience. Research/scholarship/creative activity may include, but is not limited to, disciplinary and interdisciplinary activities that focus on the boundaries of knowledge, field-based scholarship, creative activities (e.g., media production, performances, or other artistic creations), the scholarship of teaching and learning, born-digital scholarship (e.g., digital tools, software for teaching and research, websites, public humanities projects, and grant-writing to support such activities)
To see examples of how you might include OER work in tenure and promotion portfolios, check out the DOERS3 OER Contributions Matrix.