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Careers: Current Issues Related to Careers

This library guide will help you find basic information and news on careers.

Best Current Career Info

Each career description contains a section labeled "More Info" that contains a list of professional organizations and associations.

Finding Controversial Articles Related to Careers -- Three Options

Library databases -- Search using a combination of your specific career combined with words commonly used to describe controversial issues. Use the Search Word Suggestions box on this page.

Professional organizations -- Use Occupational Outlook Handbook's "more Info" tab to find recommended professional organizations. (The link and info box is on this page). On the organizational websites look for current newsletters, conferences, and any mention of their scholarly or trade publications. You're looking for any type of communication that will allow you to view the specific issues getting the most attention.

Recent journals and trade magazines in your field (print or online) --  Browse the list of professional and trade journals that you found on the organizational websites. You can try browsing them on the web, but most will require a membership or fee to view the articles. A better option is to browse the journal subscriptions through the library.  The library’s Journals A-Z will let you browse journals by title or by subject area. Focus on the contents of the most recent issues.

Article Databases -- Starting Points

The JEWL Search Box on the library homepage will give the largest number of results.  However, these smaller starting points are often a better approach. 

Also remember to use the Library Research Guide related to your career field to see suggestions for subject specialized databases.

Three Types of Publications -- Scholarly, Popular, & Trade

Different types of publications have different purposes and different audiences. Publications are usually divided into three broad categories: scholarly, popular, and trade. It might also be helpful to look at: How To Find Scholarly Peer Reviewed Articles

Scholarly JournalsPopular MagazinesTrade
Purpose Informs and reports on original research done by scholars and experts in the field. Entertains and informs a general audience without providing in-depth analysis. Reports on industry trends and new products or techniques useful to people in a trade or business.
Authors Articles are written by subject specialists and experts in the field. Articles are written by journalists, freelance writers, or an editorial staff. Articles are written by specialists in a certain field or industry.
Audience Intended for a limited audience - researchers, scholars, and experts. Intended for a broad segment of the population, appealing to non-specialists. Intended for practitioners in a particular profession, business, or industry.

Search Word Suggestions

When searching databases for career issues, try combining your career with some variation of these words/phrases:

  • Trend or "Trending News"
  • Breakthrough
  • Controversy or Controversial
  • Debate
  • Argument or Argumentative
  • "Record Breaking"
  • Disputes
  • Disagreement
  • Mediation or Mediator
  • "Hot Topics"
  • Contentious
  • Ethics or Ethical
  • "Current Issues"
  • "Talking Points"
  • "Professional Response"
  • Divisive
  • Scandals or Scandalous
  • Dialogue
  • Ideology
  • Philosophy or Philosophical
  • Morals or Morality
  • Innovation or Innovator
  • "Implementing Change"
  • "Paradigm Shift"
  • Motivator or Motivation
  • "New Model" or "New Method"
  • "Change Agent"
  • Newsmaker or Newsmaking
  • "Game Changer" or "Game Changing"
  • "Role Model" or "Rule Breaker"
  • "Large Contribution" or "Largest Contributor" or "Grant Award"
  • Legacy
  • "Funding Source" or "Budget Cut" or "Funding Cuts"