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Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology: Articles & Journals

Finding the Full Text

Look for one of these icons in the article record: 
pdf icon
html icon
If you don't see one of those, click this:
 article linker

to find links to the article in another database or to see if the library has the article in print.

If the library does not have a copy, you can order it for free through Interlibrary Loan.

If you have a citation that did not come from a library database, try using our Citation Linker or Google Scholar, which may provide you with a link to a library subscription offering.

Using Journals A-Z

To find an electronic journal at Walker Library, click on eJournals A-Z on the library's home page and type the title of the journal in the search box. A search for Business History retrieves the results shown below. The results indicate which databases have the full text of the journal and the years of coverage.

From these results, you can see that the best place to find a recent article from this journal is Taylor & Francis Social Science and Humanities database, which includes issues of this journal from 1997 to present. 

If you enter the journal title correctly and receive no results, MTSU does not subscribe to the journal online. However, be sure to conduct a Google search in this case. Not all open-access journals (no charge for a subscription) appear in eJournals A-Z, even though you can read their contents for free on the internet.