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JOUR 3090: Reporting: Evaluating Sources--Practice

Evaluating sources (web page)

Evaluate the following information source using the C.R.A.A.P. criteria: 

Clean Coal (Web page)

What is your biggest concern with using this item as a source?

Evaluating sources (web page)
Currency: 1 votes (11.11%)
Relevance: 0 votes (0%)
Authority: 1 votes (11.11%)
Accuracy: 7 votes (77.78%)
Purpose: 0 votes (0%)
Total Votes: 9

Evaluating sources (magazine article)

Evaluate the following information source using the C.R.A.A.P. criteria:

"Toxic Coal in Tennessee" from The Nation (magazine article)

What is your biggest concern about using this item as a source?

Evaluating sources (magazine article)
Currency: 0 votes (0%)
Relevance: 0 votes (0%)
Authority: 3 votes (60%)
Accuracy: 1 votes (20%)
Purpose: 1 votes (20%)
Total Votes: 5

Answer (online report)

Evaluate the following information source using the C.R.A.A.P. criteria:

Clean Coal Technology fact sheet (PDF report)

What is your biggest concern with using this item as a source?

Answer (online report)
Currency: 0 votes (0%)
Relevance: 3 votes (50%)
Authority: 0 votes (0%)
Accuracy: 0 votes (0%)
Purpose: 3 votes (50%)
Total Votes: 6

Evaluating sources (newspaper article)

Evaluate the following information source using the C.R.A.A.P. criteria:

"Collapse of the Clean Coal Myth" from The New York Times (newspaper article)

What is your biggest concern with using this item as a source?

Evaluating sources (newspaper article)
Currency: 3 votes (42.86%)
Relevance: 1 votes (14.29%)
Authority: 0 votes (0%)
Accuracy: 2 votes (28.57%)
Purpose: 1 votes (14.29%)
Total Votes: 7