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Professional Studies: Tutorials

This guide provides information about MTSU library resources pertaining to Professional Studies.

Getting Started Searching for Articles

The JEWL (James E. Walker Library) Search box located on the homepage allows you to look for articles, books, videos and more from a single location.  This is quite extensive and is like doing a Google search of your library resources.  However, not all of our library article databases are searchable through the JEWL SEARCH.  For example, our best article database for sociology (Sociological Abstracts) is not included in the JEWL SEARCH.  You can access it from either the Databases A-Z link or go to Research Guides and pull up the guide for Sociology which will provide links to Sociological Abstracts as well as related databases.  There is nearly always a database that focuses just upon your main subject discipline so be sure to take advantage of the Research Guides. 

JEWL Search box with arrows highlighting links to Databases A to Z and Research Guides

Here is a example of how to locate articles using the JEWL SEARCH:

If I perform a search on autism education I return over 18,000 results.  Yes, this is a lot, but I am also presented with a great many ways to quickly and easily narrow down my results. 

Seeing so many results I may want to narrow down my topic further by adding elementary on the next line of the search box.  Combining autism education with elementary using the AND operator ensures that I will return only resources with both concepts.

autism education on top search line and elementary on second search line

This narrows my results down to just over 1,500.  Now we are going to refine our results by selecting the Scholarly/Peer Reviewed/Academic limit while also also limiting the publication date to the last 10 years (2008-2018) using the Publication Date slide bar.  Depending upon the topic searched you may also be offered the option to limit to news, magazine, and trade publication articles.

I now have just over 800 results.  I can continue using the limits on the left-hand side.  If I am unhappy with my results after any limit all I have to do is to click on the  next to the Limiters to remove it and restore my previous results.

Search results limited by scholarly, peer reviewed, academic and by publication date from 2008 through 2018


One of the limits on the left-hand side is for Content Provider.  It will show you the individual article databases with the most results for your search.  You should consider searching these databases separately through the DATABASES link or through the Education Resources Research Guide.


Content Provider Limit

We can immediately learn that the ERIC database has 158 search results on our topic and that Education Source has 113 search matches.  If we go to Databases A-Z we can find ERIC in the A-Z listing and click for access.

Databases A through Z

ERIC Listing from Databases A through Z

Searching a database like ERIC separately rather than through JEWL Search provides more refined search limits customized for the subject speciality.  For Example, ERIC has limits for educational levels.

Our LIbrary Research Guides collect together in one place all the best library resources for a specific topic. Click on Research Guides to see the full list.

Subject Guides Listing


Below is a listing of all the Library Research Guides for Education. 

Education Research Guides Listings

Here is a look at our Education Resources online library research guide:

This guide immediately shows you that the library's recommended article databases for education are Education Source, ERIC, and PsycINFO. 


Video Tutorial - Introduction to JEWL Search

Learn how to use the JEWL Search to find research materials on any topic. We cover source types, finding peer-reviewed articles, and how to narrow your topic. 

How to Find a Primary Research Article (video)

Journals A-Z Search Example

The Journals A-Z Search Box allows you to see which journals are available online through the library's database subscriptions.  MTSU's Walker Library has access to articles appearing in over 100,000 magazines and journals.  Just follow the steps below:

1.  Perform a title search on the name of the journal that you would like to view.  In the example below, we are searching to see if the library has online access to the Journal of Business Ethics.  Just enter the title in the search box and click on the Search button.

Journals a through Z with search for Journal of business ethics

2.  A report will be delivered showing you all of the database options with the date ranges covered that are available. 

Journal of Business Ethics report with databases where available and date range

3.  If you have a citation to a specific article be sure to select an option that covers the year in question.  For example,  if you are trying to get a copy of the article, "The Means to Justify the End:  Combating Cyber Harassment in Social Media," published in August 2014, v. 123 issue 1 on pages 85-98, you will need to select an option like ABI/INFORM COLLECTION 11/01/1987 to present.

4.  After clicking on ABI/INFORM COLLECTION, go to browse specific issues and click on 2010-2018.  Please note that you can also search for a topic in all the covered issues using the search within this publication option.


 5. After clicking to expand 2010-2018, next click to expand 2014 and then click on August and then Aug 2014; Vol 123 (1) to view all the articles in that issue.

Browse specific issues

 6.  Here is our article!  All you have to do is click on Full text - PDF to see the entire article.

Our article

 8.  You can use use Journals A-Z to view articles from the most recent issue to help keep informed in your field.