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Digital Scholarship: Home

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Welcome to Digital Scholarship Initiatives

What is Digital Scholarship?

Digital scholarship at Walker Library is interdisciplinary, collaborative, and committed. As a method, it emphasizes the use of interactive technologies to expand the participation, modes of access, diversity of analysis, and the dissemination, and preservation of scholarship. Digital scholarship is changing the nature of how research is conducted, produced, and shared. The frequently used term, digital humanities (DH), is a subset of digital scholarship (DS)--the larger umbrella of all scholarship including the arts, sciences, and everything between.

  • For interactive technologies to expand participation, see the Digital/Data Tools tab.
  • For diversity of analysis, consider text analysis, spatial analysis (GIS), temporal analysis (tools for these are in Digital/Data Tools tab)
  • For modes of access, see the Data Mangement tab or OER tab
  • For dissemination, see the Digital Publishing tab or Data Management tab.
  • For preservation, see the Digital Publishing tab or Data Management tab.


This guide highlights some important areas of digital scholarship, such as JEWLScholar the institutional repository, scholarly communication, open educational resources, digital publishing, digital and data tools, data management and digital projects.

Contact Us:

James E. Walker Library (website)
Digital Scholarship Initiatives (website)

digitalscholar (at) mtsu (dot) edu

Doing Digital Scholarship

A self-guided introduction to digital scholarship produced by SSRC Labs.

It starts with the basics, such as securing web server space, preserving data, and improving your search techniques. It then moves forward to explore different methods used for analyzing data, designing digitally inflected teaching assignments, and creating the building blocks required for publishing digital work.


Need More Info? What is Digital Scholarship?

If you are new to Digital Scholarship, you might want to check out the Introduction to Digital Humanities presentation below.

Also, the Digital Scholarship Initiatives homepage,, has the latest DSI news. This research guide you are currently looking at is supplemental information that complements the website.