If you're just starting out, check out the JEWL Search and the Best Bets below. Opposing Viewpoints (Gale in Context) is a great place to find and explore topics. Use the JEWL Search box below to find a variety of resources on any topic. Statista is great for finding charts, graphs, and data on virtually any topic. If you have any questions, check out the Ask a Librarian tab. Watch some short videos about using these resources.
Use these along with the JEWL Search above to find resources on a variety of topics.
Fulltext multidisciplinary database of academic journals, magazines, periodicals and other reports, 19th century to present.
This video covers the basics of using the JEWL Search in just a little over a minute (1:10).
Learn how to use the JEWL Search to find research materials on any topic. We cover source types, finding peer-reviewed articles, and how to narrow your topic (length: 6:14).