law, international law, legal system
ProQuest Historical Newspapers - searches the Atlanta Constitution, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and three African American newspapers: the Chicago Defender, New Amsterdam News, and the Norfolk Journal and Guide. Users can limit a search to a specific date or date range under "Search Options."
Historic Documents (Reference R909.82 H62) A wide range of documents covering the most significant events of a single year.
1991 Persian Gulf War - see Veterans History Project
1992 Hurricane Andrew Digital Collection
1993 The Ashes of Waco
1993 Don't Ask, Don't Tell - See Don't: Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue
1994 Violence Against Women Act (Women and Social Movements)
1995 Million Man March
1996 Defense of Marriage Act (Clinton Library)
1999 WTO Seattle (protests during the World Trade Organization (WTO) meeting.