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Christy Groves: Profile


Concrete Industry and Management


Research Projects

Published Single-Author or Joint-Author Books or Monographs:

Groves, C.  (2019). The Power of Partnership:  Academic and High School Libraries Collaborate for Student Research Success.  Reference Services Review.

Sloane, M.E., Groves, C., Fitzgerald Quintel, D.  (2018)  Lesson Plan Pilot Project for Physical Science.  Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship.  90(Summer 2018).

I was a presentation co-author with Mary Ellen Sloane and Denise Quintel:  255th ACS National Meeting and Exposition 2018:  “CINF 78:  Building New Information Literacy Collaborations at MTSU between Library Faculty and Chemistry Faculty.”  22 March 2018.

Groves, C. & Shealy, A. (2016).  “Home grown:  Lessons learned from EL partnerships in an academic library.”  The experiential library:  Transforming academic and research libraries through the power of experiential learning. Oxford, UK:  Chandos Publishing.

Groves, C.  (2014).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  The value of library partnerships.”  Tennessee Libraries.  64(4).

Groves, C.  (2014).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  Tales of a librarian.”  Tennessee Libraries.  64(1).

Groves, C.  (2013).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  A few simple truths about leading change.”  Tennessee Libraries.  63(3).

Groves, C. & York, A.  (2013).  “The meeting places:  flexible, reservable, and equipped.”  C&RL News.  74(10), 4 pgs.

Groves, C.  (2013).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  Motivations or, a day in the life of a manager.”  Tennessee Libraries.  63(2).

Groves, C.  (2013).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  The volunteer spirit.”  Tennessee Libraries.  63(1).

Groves, C.  (2013).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  Loving our patrons.”  Tennessee Libraries.  62(4).

Groves, C.  (2012).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  The right thing.”  Tennessee Libraries.  62(3).

Groves, C. (2012).  “It’s my opinion!  Staff development:  The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  Tennessee Libraries. 62(2).

Groves, C. & Lambert, H. (2012). “The Library as partner: sustaining relevance in a collaborative student focused technology center.” The Entrepreneurial Librarian. Jefferson, NC: McFarland.

Groves, C. & Lambert, H. (2011). “Sustaining relevance: operating a collaborative, student focused technology center.” 2011 Consortium of College and University Media Centers Conference Proceedings Online.

Groves, C. & Black, W. (2011).  “Understanding gen X at work:  securing the library’s future.” The Generation X Librarian:  Essays on Leadership, Technology, Pop Culture, Social Responsibility, and Professional Identity.  McFarland.

York, A., Groves, C. & Black, W. (2010). “Enriching the academic experience:  the library and experiential learning.” Collaborative Librarianship, 4(2), 193-203.

Groves, C., & Black, W.  (2010). “Making the best of the best:  strategies for effective retention.”  Recruitment, development, and retention of information professionals:  trends in human resources management.  Hershey, PA:  Business Science Reference.  

Groves, C. and Bakoyema, F. (2009). Engaging the users through usability testing. Tennessee Libraries. 59(2), 12 pgs.

Mak, C., et. al.  (2007). Wagging the long tail:  Sharing more of less.  White Paper developed by the Indiana Resource Sharing Task Force.  January 2007.

Works in Progress[S1] :


Formal Presentations at Professional Meetings:[S2] 

  • Presented at Library Instruction West Conference 2018:  “The Power of Partnerships:  Academic and High School Librarians Collaborate for Student Research Success.”  18 July 2018.
  • Presentation co-author:  255th ACS National Meeting and Exposition 2018:  “CINF 78:  Building New Information Literacy Collaborations at MTSU Between Library Faculty and Chemistry Faculty.”  22 March 2018.
  • Presented at the Tenn-Share Annual Conference 2017:  “Beyond the College Campus:  Designing an Academic Library/High School Partnership for Student Success.”  27 October 2017.
  • With a colleague, planned to present at the CCUMC (Consortium of College and University Media Centers) 2011 Annual Conference:  “Sustaining Relevance:  Operating a Collaborative Student Focused Technology Center.”  7 October 2011.  Due to cost of as well as length of conference, did not attend.  Colleague presented, but I partnered on the presentation creation and conference proceedings document.
  • Presented at the 2011 Kentucky Library Association (KLA) annual meeting:  “The Library as Partner:  Walker Library’s Collaborative, Student Focused Technology Center.”  29 September 2011.
  • With two other library faculty, submitted presentation proposal to the Tennessee Library Association’s (TLA) 2011 annual meeting:  “Enriching the Academic Experience:  Walker Library, Partnerships, and Experiential Learning.”  Presentation proposal accepted October 2010.   NOTE:  Presented as panel discussion session.  26 March 2011.
  • With a colleague, presented at the 2011 Conference for Entrepreneurial Librarians:  “The Library as Partner:  Sustaining Relevance in a Collaborative Student Focused Technology Center.”  9 March 2011.
  • With two other library faculty, presented at the first annual Inspiration, Innovation, and Celebration:  An Entrepreneurial Conference for Librarians Conference:  “Enriching the Academic Experience,” 4 June 2009.
  • Presented at the Tennessee Library Association (TLA) annual meeting:  “Engaging the User in Website Redesign:  Usability Testing, Morae, and the Walker Library Website,” 10 April 2009.




 Books, Journal Articles, and/or Manuscripts Reviewed:

Review of:  Hellar, Tamar, et al.  Disability in American Life:  An Encyclopedia of Concepts, Policies, and Controversies.  ABC-CLIO.  December 2018.

Appeared in Choice, July 2019.

Review of:  Dominelli, Lena.  The Routledge Handbook of Green Social Work.  Routledge.  2018.

Appeared in:  Choice, February 2019.

Review of:  Zirpolo, Lilian.  Historical Dictionary of Baroque Art and Architecture.  2nd Edition.  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.  2018.

Appeared in:  Choice, October 2018.

Review of:  Glicken, Morley D.  A Guide to Writing for Human Services Professionals.  2nd Edition.  Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.  2017.

Appeared in:  Choice, March 2018.

Review of:  Melusky, Joseph A.  The Death Penalty.  ABC-CLIO.  2017.

Appeared in:  Choice, March 2018.

Review of:  Wanger, Eugene G.  Fighting the Death Penalty.  Michigan State.  2017.

Appeared in:  Choice, December 2017.

Review of:  Mitigation Resources, from the National Building Museum.  Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, December 2015.

Review of:  Free Music Archive, directed by WFMU.  Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, May 2014.

Review of:  Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitats.  Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, January 2014.

Review of:  Lentz, Harris M., III.  Obituaries in the Performing Arts.  McFarland.  2012.

Appeared in:  Choice, September 2013.

Review of:  Ching, Francis D.K.  Introduction to Architecture.  Wiley.  2013. 

Appeared in:  Choice, May 2013.

Review of:  Haupert, Michael J.  Entertainment Industry:  A Reference Handbook.  ABC-CLIO.  2012. 

Appeared in:  Choice, March 2013.

Review of:  Page, Tim and Carnegie Hall.  Carnegie Hall Treasures. Harper Design.  2011.

Appeared in:  Choice, June 2012.

Review of:  Melville, Peter, ed.  The Encyclopedia of the Novel.  Wiley-Blackwell.  2011.

Appeared in:  Choice, July 2011.

Review of:  Hamilton, Geoff.  Encyclopedia of Contemporary Writers and Their Work.  Facts on File.  2010.

Appeared in:  Choice, December 2010.

Review of:  Snodgrass, Mary Ellen.  Peter Carey:  A Literary Companion.  McFarland.  2010.

Appeared in:  Choice, September 2010.

Review of:  Drew, Bernard.  Literary Afterlife:  The Posthumous Continuations of 325 Authors’ Fictional Characters.  McFarland.  2010.

Appeared in:  Choice, July 2010.

Review of:  Room, Adrian.  Alternate Names of Places:  A Worldwide Dictionary.  McFarland.  2009. 

Appeared in:  Choice, December 2009.

Review of:  Mann, Barbara Alice, ed.  Make a Beautiful Way:  The Wisdom of Native American Women.  Bison Books.  2008.

Appeared in:  Tennessee Libraries, 59 (4) 2009.

Review of:  Contemporary World Music.  Alexander Street Press.  Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, October 2008.

Review of:  Health Reference Center website.  Facts on file.  Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, June 2008.

Review of:  Rollyson, Carl, ed.  Notable American novelists: v.1: James Agee-Ernest J. Gaines; v.2: John Gardner-Flannery O'Connor; v.3: John O'Hara-Richard Wright-index.  Salem Press, 2008.

Appeared in:  Choice, February 2008.

Review of: Population Reference Bureau website. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, November 2007.

Review of: SPORTDiscus with Full Text. EBSCO. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, August 2007.

Review of: Maternity and Infant Care. Ovid. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, July 2007.

Review of: Hanna, Judith Lynne. Dancing for Health: Conquering and Preventing Stress. AltaMira,


Appeared in: Choice, March 2007.

Review of: Stirling, Dale A. Biomedical Organizations: A Worldwide Guide to Position Documents.

Haworth International, 2006.

Appeared in: Choice, November 2006.

Review of: Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, November 2006.

Review of: American Academy of Pediatrics website. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, February 2006.

Review of: Health Reference Center. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in:  Choice, December 2005.

Review of: Kennedy, X. J. The Longman Dictionary of Literary Terms: Vocabulary for the Informed

Reader. Pearson/Longman, 2006.

Appeared in: Choice, October 2005.

Review of: Various authors. Human Body Systems. Greenwood, 2004. 10 Volumes.

Appeared in:  Choice, May 2005.

Review of: Kronenfeld, Jennie Jacobs. Healthcare Reform in America: A Reference Handbook. ABCCLIO,


Appeared in: Choice, February 2005.

Review of: Merck & Co. website. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, July 2004.

Review of: Rovner, Julie. Health Care Policy and Politics A to Z. 2nd ed. CQ Press, 2003.

Appeared in:  Choice, April 2004.

Review of: The Atlas of the Body. Accessible via URL: http://www.amaassn.

org/ama/pub/category/7140.html   Oxford, 2001.

Appeared in: Choice, November 2003.

Review of: Short Story Index. H.W. Wilson. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, December 2002.

Review of: Blakemore, Colin, Jennett, Sheila, et al. The Oxford Companion to the Body. Oxford, 2001.

Appeared in: Choice, July/August 2002.

Review of: Fitzgerald, Carol. The Rivers of America: A Descriptive Bibliography: Including

Biographies of the Authors, Illustrators, and Editors.

Appeared in: Choice, February 2002.

Review of: Fiction Catalog. A H.W. Wilson online database. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, December 2001.

Review of: Glassner, Martin Ira, ed. Bibliography on Land-Locked States, Economic Development and

International Law. M.E. Sharp, 2001.

Appeared in: Choice, April 2001.

Review of: Rollyson, Carl, ed. Critical Survey of Long Fiction. 2nd Rev. ed. Salem Press, 2000.

Appeared in: Choice, January 2001.

Review of: Silverstone, Barbara, et al., ed. The Lighthouse Handbook on Vision Impairment and Vision

Rehabilitation. 2 Vols. Oxford, 2000.

Appeared in: Choice, December 2000.

Review of: Kuhn, Laura, comp. Baker’s Student Encyclopedia of Music. Schirmer books/Macmillan,


Appeared in: Choice, June 2000

Review of: Woodhead, James A. Geology. Salem Press, 1999.

Appeared in: Choice, September 1999.

Review of: The On-line Books Page. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, August Supplement 1999

Review of: Harding, Les. Dead Countries of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: Aden to Zululand.

Scarecrow, 1998.

Appeared in: Choice, January 1999.

Review of: The Vincent Van Gogh Information Gallery. Accessible via URL:

Appeared in: Choice, November 1998.

Review of: Barfield, Thomas, ed. The Dictionary of Anthropology. Blackwell, 1997.

Appeared in:  Choice, May 1998.

 [S1]List works in development, & works submitted for publication and the status of those works.

 [S2]Research and creative activities go here. Service presentations should be included under Service. Use a standard format (APA, MLA, etc.)..

If implication of the meeting is not reflected in the title, please explain (e.g., a local or regional meeting may have national significance).

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