The 3rd Floor (except for balcony areas)
The Reflection Room (Room 148B), located inside the first-floor computer lab
No talking except the occasional whisper.
Use headphones/earbuds to listen to music and videos, not your computer's speakers. Be aware that at high volumes, sound may "leak" from your headphones.
No talking on cell phones. If you need to use a cell phone, please move to the area around the stairway.
Help us keep these zones quiet by reminding other students of their purpose.
If you feel uncomfortable approaching noisy users, you can call for backup, and a library staff member will investigate. Contact a Library Service Desk staff member through our chat service (on this page), let us know exactly where the noisy library users are, and give a brief physical description of them. Or, please phone the Library Service Desk at (615) 904-8533.
Questions about Library Quiet Zones may be directed to the Library Service Desk at (615) 904-8533.
The Reflection Room is located on the first floor in room 148B, which is inside the first-floor computer lab.
The Walker Library Reflection Space is designed for quiet personal reflection, contemplation, meditation, prayer, and relaxation in support of a healthy MTSU campus community. It is available for all MTSU students, faculty, and staff during the library's open hours. The room guidelines are as follows: