Susan Martin, Special Collections Librarian
Susan Hanson, Curator
Special Collections is located on the 4th floor of the Walker Library. Both the Reading Room and the Exhibition Room are open to the public from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Thursday and from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on Friday. The area is not open weeknights or on weekends. For all intercessions, as well as Fall and Spring breaks, Special Collections will move from regular hours to appointment only. To schedule an appointment, please send an email to three working days prior to the day you want to visit.
From time to time, Special Collections hosts lectures presented by visiting scholars or by MTSU faculty, and occasionally Special Collections hosts MTSU classes whose students use materials in the collections. At these times the Reading Room may be temporarily unavailable for research.
Inquiries about services or items in Special Collections should be addressed to
In addition to Special Collections, there are several campus research centers that are open for your exploration.
Albert Gore Research Center. The center collects, arranges, maintains, and preserves all manner of historical materials about MTSU history, American democracy, equine studies, and life in Middle Tennessee. The center maintains the institutional archive of Middle Tennessee State University.
Center for Popular Music. The Center for Popular Music (CPM) is a research center devoted to the study and scholarship of popular music in America. The Center maintains an archive of research materials stretching from the early eighteenth century to the present and develops and sponsors programs in vernacular music.
Center for Historic Preservation. Established in 1984, the Center for Historic Preservation was part of a comprehensive statewide education reform program in higher education where the state legislature created specialized research centers to involve and support leading academic programs.