Wikipedia is a free encyclopedia, written collaboratively by the people who use it. Many people are constantly improving Wikipedia, making thousands of changes per hour.
"Typical academic writing requires students to do original research, have a point of view, and argue it. Wikipedia, however, is a tertiary source of informaton -- based on a collection of secondary resources writing about a primary source.
Simply put, Wikipedia is not a place to publish original research, but rather is a summary of what has been written in reliable sources about the original topic or research."
Wikipedia's approach to privacy - Wikipedia's updated privacy policy.
(credit: University of Michigan)
(Adapted from Universiteit Utrect)
More details about the Pillars are available on Wikipedia.
(Credit: adapted from UCLA Library)
Wikipedia: Go Forth and Cite!
Links to several articles about Wikipedia found in JSTOR.
All of these articles have been made open - access and are available for free PDF download.
(credit: JSTOR)