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Full text of 875 first editions of American novels and short stories of the time period.
Alternate Name(s) Readex Evans Supplement Series 1
Digital collection of books, pamphlets, and broadsides printed in America, 1639-1800. Includes Series I: Supplement from American Antiquarian Society, 1652-1800 and Series I: Supplement from the Library Company of Philadelphia, 1670-1800

Letters, diaries, memoirs describing cross-cultural encounters, 17th to 19th centuries.

Digital backfile of Ebony magazine from 1945 to 2014. This popular periodical covers civil rights, education, entrepreneurship and other social topics with an African-American focus.

Ebook collection spanning all academic subject areas. Includes only titles purchased by Walker Library (no subscription-only titles).

Collection of full text ebooks, both titles purchased by Walker Library and titles available through subscription.

Simultaneous search for most of the EBSCO research databases.

A large digital collection of full-text searchable 18th century books.
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Indexing and abstracts for 400 economics journals, papers, proceedings, etc.
Complete text of 11 major editions of Shakespeare's works along with contemporary printings of individual plays, selected apocrypha and related works, adaptations, sequels, etc.
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Indexing and fulltext for education, 1984 to present.

Videos of teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.

Indexing for leading education periodicals, 1929 to 1983.

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Indexing and full text education articles dating back to 1929.

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Educational administration.

Page images of almost every work printed in the British Isles and North America as well as works in English printed elsewhere from 1470-1700.
Alternate Name(s) HRAF
In-depth descriptive documents of prehistoric archaeological traditions from around the world.
Ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life, organized by regions, subregions, and cultures. Works best with Microsoft Edge or Firefox browser.
Alternate Name(s) 19th Century Masterfile Poole's Index to Periodical Literature
Database covering Anglo-American primary source material dating from 1106 until 1960, aggregating indexes, catalogs, collections, and other finding aids. Provides access to articles, newspapers, books, U.S. patents, government documents, and images, with links to full-text where available.

Rare journals printed between c1685 and 1835.

Complete texts of 96 works of English prose, 1700 to 1780, by writers from the British Isles.
Alternate Name(s) Kids InfoBits

Full-text magazine, book, and Web-based curriculum-related content for use in K-6 settings. Provided through Tennessee Electronic Library (TEL). Formerly Kids InfoBits

Over 5,000 peer-reviewed, citable reviews in the life sciences, suitable for graduate and undergraduate use, or useful for researchers reading outside their field of expertise.
More than 900 volumes from over 90 ebook series on business and management.
Over 350 full text peer reviewed journals for management, engineering, education, and library studies (current issues and backfiles).
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Peer-reviewed case studies focusing on business decision making and management development throughout key global emerging markets.
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Periodicals that chronicle new religious movements that were founded in America and especially those that flourished during the nineteenth century. Full text digital images.

A collection of original documents relating to Empire Studies, sourced from libraries and archives around the world.

Alternate Name(s) Associations Unlimited

Under Select one or more directories, choose Encyclopedia of Associations: National Organizations of the US. 

Information on popular music.
EndNote Basic (EndNote Web)
MTSU no longer subscribes to EndNote Web. Consider using RefWorks as an alternative.
3,900 plays in verse and prose from the late thirteenth century to the early twentieth.
English Poetry contains essentially the complete English poetic canon from the 8th century to the early 20th. Over 160,000 poems by more than 1,250 poets are drawn from nearly 4,500 printed sources.
Supplement to English Poetry collection, with 20,000 additional poems, 8th to 19th centuries.
Describes works printed in England or its dependencies, 1475-1800. A free resource from the British Library.
Collection of highly curated corpora (collections of text) designed for searching text from a range of sources to observe language, variation, and change between specified dates on specific items. PLEASE NOTE: To use this resource, users need to register an account and connect it to MTSU's license.
Full text, primary sources for studying the history of the film and entertainment industries, 1880-2015. Provides complete runs of major trade and consumer magazines.
Alternate Name(s) Small Business Resource Center
Comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. Funded by Tennessee Electronic Library.
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Citations and abstracts to over 750 educational journals, as well as conference proceedings, research reports, speeches, curriculum guides, etc.

Newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press, 1959-1989. Full Text.
Streaming video, written ethnographies, field notes, seminal texts, memoirs and contemporary studies covering human behavior the world over.
Alternate Name(s) Europa World Yearbook
Political and economic information for more than 250 countries and territories, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe (online version of Europa World Yearbook). Also includes the Europa Survey of the Middle East and North Africa.

Bibliography of indexed publications related to the Americas and written in Europe before 1750. Includes thousands of valuable primary source records covering the history of European exploration as well as portrayals of Native American peoples.

Rare books, periodicals, pamphlets, tracts, and broadsides concerning such areas as American home life, 1800-1920, the history of women, and the history of childhood.

Executive compensation data including current, historical, total compensation, executive options and compensation of industry peers. Available to Jones College of Business users through the Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) platform.

New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Alternate Name(s) Accessible Archives, Coherent Digital
Collections of primary sources, including magazines, newspapers, videos, letters, diaries, images, and ephemera.
Oxford Bibliographies in American Literature offers exclusive, authoritative research guides that combine the best features of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.