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Library Awards & Grants

Student Library Awards

In honor of a departed colleague, the Walker Library offers the following award to outstanding library student workers.

David G. Robinson Student Award: A student award in the amount of $500 will be provided during each award cycle to a Library Technology student assistant who displays excellence on the job. Student employees of the Library Technology Department are eligible for this award if they are currently enrolled and in good standing with the University. The award will be applied to the student's MTSU financial account. 



Faculty Library Grants

The Walker Library offers an Information Literacy Curriculum Integration Grant to eligible MTSU faculty in order to increase library and information skills and knowledge throughout the MTSU curriculum.

Student Scholarship

Gift and Purpose

This endowment is established for the purpose of providing scholarships to students who are James E. Walker Library student employees at Middle Tennessee State University. The fund provides a scholarship to support the educational expenses incurred during their time at MTSU.


Each semester (fall and spring), a scholarship review committee will award one $500 scholarship award to an eligible Walker Library student assistant to help offset educational costs at MTSU. The award will be applied to the student's MTSU financial account. Conveying of awards is based on availability of funds and qualified candidates. Students may apply once per semester.


To be eligible for consideration for this scholarship, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Currently employed as a library student assistant and enrolled at MTSU.
  2. Have a 2.5 GPA (or higher) at the time of application. Have financial need. As defined by MTSU Financial Aid, a student with financial need is eligible for Pell Grant OR has an EFC of $12,000 or less on FAFSA. To verify financial need, candidate must have a current year FAFSA on file with MTSU and must answer YES to the question on the application that allows the MTSU Financial Aid & Scholarship Office to release financial aid information on the student.
  3. Submit a personal essay (no more than four pages, plus the cover page). The essay should be double-spaced at 12 pt. font and show proper use of grammar and writing skills. The cover page should include your name, department, and the title of your essay.

The essay must answer the following prompts:

  1. Biographical information. Tell us about how you came to MTSU and how you chose your major. Also, what is your job and what department do you work in?
  2. How will the scholarship help you financially? Please be specific and provide examples.
  3. Tell us how working in the library will help you be successful at MTSU and in your future career.

Access the application form - click here.