MTSU Library subscribes to hundreds of online databases that describe and/or provide access to digital content in various formats. The alphabetical list of library databases is Databases A-Z. To select a database according to subject discipline, consult a relevant Research Guide. Two options for searching multiple databases simultaneously are presented below.
What is the JEWL Search at Walker Library, and what is it good for? Watch this and find out why it's a great place to start your research. More about JEWL Search (length: 1:10)
Our JEWL Search box allows you to find books, articles, images, videos, scores, audio recordings, encyclopedia entries and more from a single search. Results include thousands of online resources in each category, as well as items physically held by the libraries on campus. Previously, users had to search multiple boxes or databases to find these different types of resources. Need something specific? Use the filters on the left of the search results screen to narrow by item type, publication date, subject, and more. Ready? Go Search now.
At this time there are items from nearly 150 databases or collections available through JEWL Search, and new ones will be added frequently. Some favorites include
We also gain more seamless links to open access archives such as ArXiv, DOAJ, and OAISTER. Look for custom full text links to replace most of our Article Linker links. Ready? Go Search now.
Some of our resources are not currently available through JEWL Search, but you can still access them through the Databases list. Some of the most heavily used databases in this category are
While you can discover a wealth of information through the JEWL Search box, we have maintained many of our traditional resources, as well. You'll find these links on the JEWL box. Ready? Go Search now.
If you can't find what you're looking for, use the MTSU Librarian chat box on the right side of the search results screen. A librarian will lead you through your search to help you find what you need. Check out our other help options on our Ask Us! page. Ready? Go Search now.