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*Dance: Recommended Books about Dance

Library resources for Dance students and faculty

Art of Making Dances by Doris Humphrey and Barbara Pollack
                792.8 H88a

Ashtanga Yoga: the practice manual by David Swenson
                613.7 Sw4a

Ballet Basics by Sandra Noll Hammond
                792.8 H16b 2004

Ballet & Modern Dance: a concise history by Jack Anderson
                792.8 An2372b 2018

Basic Concepts in Modern Dance: a creative approach by Gay Cheney
                792.8 C42b 1989

Body, Breath & Being by Carolyn Nicholls
                615.82 N5147b 2014

Body Eclectic: evolving practices in dance training by Melanie Bales
                792.807 B6328

Body Learning by Michael Gelb
                615.82 G28b 1995

Both Sides of the Mirror by Anna Paskevska
                792.8 P26b 1992
                e-book (EBSCO)

Choreographer’s Handbook by Jonathan Burrows
                e-book (Taylor & Francis Group)

Classical Ballet Technique by Gretchen Ward Warren
                792.8 W25c

Composing While Dancing by Melinda Buckwalter
                792.8 B85c
                e-book (EBSCO)

Conditioning for Dance by Eric Franklin
                792.8 F854c 2019

Dance Anatomy and Kinesiology by Karen Clippinger
                RC1220.D35 C55 2016

Dance Composition Basics by Pamela Anderson Sofras
                793.32 So23d

Dancers Talking Dance by Larry Lavender
                792.82 L386d

Gender Trouble by Judith Butler
                HQ1154 .B88 1999
                e-book (1999)
                e-book (2007)

Harnessing the Wind: the art of teaching modern dance by Jan Erkert
                GV1783 .E75 2003

How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live by Missy Vineyard
                615.82 V756h 2007a

Intimate Act of Choreography by Lynne Anne Blom and L. Tarin Chaplin
                GV1782.5 .B55 1982
                e-book (EBSCO)

Jump into Jazz by Minda Goodman Kraines
                792.8 K857j 2005

Learning about Dance: dance as an art form and entertainment by Nora Ambrosio
                GV1594 .A52 2016

Letters to a Young Teacher by Jonathan Kozol
                371.1 K849l

Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process by Liz Lerman
                BF319.5.F4 L47 2003

Modern Dance Forms by Louis Horst and Carroll Russell
                793.3 H78m

The Pilates Body by Brooke Siler
                613.71 Si33p

The Pointe Book: shoes, training & technique by Janice Barringer and Sarah Schlesinger
                792.8 B2771p 2012

The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
                HQ1208 .B352 1971
                HQ 1208 .B352 1989
                e-book (EBSCO)

Studying Dance: a guide for campus and beyond by Karen Schupp
                792.8071 Sch867s

Teaching Dance as Art in Education by Brenda Pugh McCutchens
                792.8071 M1399t

Teaching to Transgress: education as the practice of freedom by Bell Hooks
                370.11 H76t

Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet by Gail Grant
                792.8 G767t 1982

The Use of the Self by F.M. Alexander
                613.78 Al2u 2001

Call Number Ranges

2nd Floor (LC Call Numbers)

GV1580-1799.4 Dance

4th floor (Dewey Call Numbers)

792.6    Musical Plays (including dancing)
792.7    Variety Shows & Theatrical Dancing
792.8    Ballet and Modern Dance
793.3    Social, Folk, National Dancing