Specialized databases and websites explain issues within broader contexts and from differing viewpoints. This helps with understanding the "big picture" and can often help with forming ideas for narrowing topics.
Need to look up a term, name, place, or event? Reference collections are great places to START the research process. Results are authoritative and trustworthy. Bonus--most include formatted citations at the bottom of each entry!
Thanks to a university-wide subscription, you have access to all the articles, breaking news, blogs, multimedia and more from The New York Times. Create a personal digital account using your MTSU email. Follow instructions in the confirmation email you receive (MTSU employees, make sure Proofpoint didn't quarantine the confirmation email).
The Writing Center is located in Walker Library, room 362. Visit or call 615-904-8237 to schedule an appointment.
Textbooks, assigned readings, practice tests, etc. Items are for use within the library for short check-out periods. You can scan or photocopy important pages!
Need to Reserve a Group Study Room? Just use online booking!
Many thanks to Karen Dearing for creating this guide.