Resource available to authorized MTSU users (on or off campus). Users must register a personal account and use the link below to access the resource once every 365 days.
To access this resource, visit: https://library.mtsu.edu/corpora
English-Corpora.org are a collection of highly curated corpora (or collections of text) designed for searching text from a range of resources to observe language, variation, and change between specified dates on specific items. Many of these are considered to be large monitor corpora, used to observe practices that are both emergent and falling out of favor in contemporary use. English-Corpora.org offers 17 discrete corpora, representing a range of different kinds of language in use (generalized news discourse online, more specific news, Wikipedia, American Soap Operas, historical English) as well as two national corpora (which observe a specific form of English - in this case, historical Canadian and British English). Most of the corpora included cover at least one dialect if not multiple dialects of English (such as British, American, Canadian English). Two corpora, News on the Web (NOW) and the Coronavirus corpus, continue to be updated daily to reflect ongoing linguistic practices.
Follow the instructions below to create an account. If you have questions about this resource, please contact the library.
Additional Information:
Overview/Guided Tour (pdf)