Indexing and fulltext for nursing and allied fields, 1937 to present.
nursing, nurse practitioner, nurse practitioners
Citations and abstracts for articles from international biomedical journals, 1949 to present, with full-text for 1,460 journals.
Tools for drug ID and interaction, IV compatibility, toxicology, drug comparison and more. Turn off pop-up blocker for correct functioning.
22 nursing and medical e-books, including Stedman's Medical Dictionary and Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice. Limited to 10 or 15 concurrent users, depending on book title. Mobile App Available
R2 Digital Library is a collection of over 4,000 medical, nursing, and allied health eBooks. R2 book titles are included in the Library Catalog.
Note: Books are single-user access. The second user trying to open a book will see a message that all user licenses are in use and to try again later.