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AI Literacy in the Age of ChatGPT

AI detection tools

Many educators don't support the use of AI writing detectors

These detectors result in both false negatives and false positives, which can result in tagging a student paper as written by AI when it wasn't.

In addition, if your native language isn't English, these tools will often tag your writing as written by AI. See GPT detectors are biased against non-native English writers - Weixin Liang, et al.

More information

Instructors are creating classroom policies on the use of generative AI.

Course Policies for Using AI (MTSU) 
Suggested policy statements for different levels of AI use in the classrooms.

Generative AI Syllabus Guidelines, August 2023 - PDF (University of Arizona)
Contains ideas for classroom policies.

Guidelines from other universities

Classroom Policies for AI Generative Tools (collected by Lance Eaton)
A crowdsourced collection of classroom policies on use of ChatGPT and other AI tools.

See also:

These guides (one for instructors & one for students) are adaptations of guides created at the University of Arizona Libraries by Nicole Hennig with contributions by Michelle Halla, Nicole PagowskyNiamh Wallace.

CC 4.0 license

Feel free to copy this guide, in part or in its entirety, in your own LibGuide.

Please attribute “University of Arizona Libraries, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.”