Dewey call number books are located on the 3rd and 4th floors. Click here for a detailed breakdown of the Dewey Decimal Classification System.
Use the Library Catalog to find specific titles and subjects.
3rd Floor:
320 Political Science
321 Systems of governments & states
323 Civil & political rights
325 International migration & colonization
326 Slavery & emancipation
327 International relations
340 Law
341 International law
350 Public Administration
382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
390 Customs, Etiquette, Folklore
394 General customs
395 Etiquette (Manners)
4th Floor:
910 Geography & Travel
914 Europe
915 Asia
916 Africa
917 North America
918 South America
919 Other areas
Books with LC call numbers are on the 2nd floor. Click on a class below for more detailed information.
JA Political Science (general)
JK United States
JK1717-2217 Political rights. Practical politics (United States)
JL Canada, Latin America
JN Europe
JQ Asia, Africa, Australia, Pacific areas
JZ International Relations
KZ International law
G Atlases, globes, maps
GF Human ecology
GN Anthropology
GR Folklore
GT Manners and customs
GV Dance, leisure, sports
HF1-6182 Commerce
HF1014 Balance of trade
HF1021-1027 Commercial geography. Economic geography
HF1701-2701 Tariff. Free trade. Protectionism
HF3000-4055 By region or country
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