Many items can be renewed one or more times. Check Borrowing Policies for details. Renew online up to the day before your due date. After your due date, you will need to bring the item to the library Circulation desk to have it renewed.
Renewing an item through My Library Account
- Go to your Library Account.
- Log in with your MTSU username and your BlueID barcode (on the back of your ID card or library card, beginning with 23082).
- Click on "Checked Out Items" to view the items currently charged to your account.
- Click on the boxes next to the items you wish to renew, then click the "Renew Selected Items" button.
- The renewal count and due date for each renewed item will change, with a message that says "Renewal Successful." If this does not occur, your materials were not renewed.
Log in to renew items
Renewing an item through JEWLSearch
- Go to JEWLSearch
- Click "Log In" at the top of the page. You may be prompted to enter your MTSU credentials.
- Click "My Loans" at the top of the page.
- Find your item, and in the My Loan box, click "Renew".
- If successful, you will see a pop-up message that says, "Renewal Confirmation: Your renewal request was successful."
Your Blue ID barcode is not required when using JEWLSearch for renewals.