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COMM 2200: Audience-Centered Communication: Help for Comm 2200 Students


The video tutorials on this page teach you about the in-person services and online resources that will be helpful to you in Comm 2200, but also in other classes. You can find the resources featured, as well as many others, on the Comm 2200 Research Guide. 

Bonus: Choosing a Topic

Can't decide which topic to choose for your research paper or speech? Already have a topic, but it's too broad? We have resources to help you choose from hundreds of interesting topics. Featured tools include Opposing Viewpoints and CQ Researcher from the Choosing a Topic Research Guide (length: 6:54).

Bonus: Using Statista to find Statistics

COMM 2200 Library Video

This four minute video highlights three suggested library resources for COMM 2200 speeches: Opposing Viewpoints, Academic Search Ultimate, and Statista. Updated Fall 2020. Direct link to the video:

Bonus: Choosing a Topic with Opposing Viewpoints

Length: 01:30. Search Opposing ViewpointsOr view more videos on this resource here.