Full text digitized content of 18th and 19th century American periodicals, with many articles about Native Americans. You will probably have better results using the search terms "American Indian."
Agricultural Periodicals from the Northeastern U.S., 1789-1879
Agricultural Periodicals from the Southern, Midwestern, and Western U.S., 1800-1878
Alternative Faith and Philosophy Periodicals, 1789-1878
Alternative Medicine and Health, 1810-1877
American Civil War, 1855-1868
American Literary Periodicals, 1782-1834
American Literary Periodicals, 1835-1858
American Literary Periodicals, 1859-1891
American Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry Periodicals, 1786-1877
American Political and Social Movements, 1815-1884
American Political Periodicals, 1715-1891
Baptists, Quakers, and Independent Church Periodicals, 1797-1881
Business and General Education Periodicals, 1800-1885
Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1774-1858
Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1859-1870
Business, Industrial and Professional Periodicals, 1871-1901
Canadian Periodicals, 1790-1877
Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, and Episcopal Periodicals, 1797-1904
College and Student Periodicals, 1806-1877
Commercial Periodicals from the Southern U.S., 1811-1877
Congregational, Presbyterian, and Reformed Church Periodicals, 1803-1902
Cultural Periodicals from the Southern U.S., 1797-1877
Current Events and History Periodicals, 1691-1912
Drama, Humor, and Fine Arts Periodicals, 1764-1877
Emerging American Religions, 1821-1895
Fireside Companions and Family Literature Periodicals, 1805-1877
Foreign Language Periodicals in America, 1684-1904
General Interest Christian Periodicals, 1743-1889
Hobbies, Socialization, and Sport Periodicals, 1775-1889
Literary Periodicals of New England, 1789-1878
Masons, Odd-Fellows and Other Societal Periodicals, 1794-1877
Military and Law Enforcement Periodicals, 1691-1877
Missionary and Charity Periodicals, 1793-1902
Musical Periodicals, 1781-1879
Periodicals from Around the World, 1691-1880
Periodicals of the American West, 1779-1881
Periodicals of the British Empire and Its Colonies, 1702-1879
Popular Educational Periodicals, 1758-1889
Religious Periodicals for Women, Children, and Families, 1804-1878
Religious Periodicals from the Southern U.S., 1801-1904
Scientific Periodicals, 1771-1901
Slavery and Abolition, 1789-1887
Story Papers, Dimes and Dollar Periodicals, 1828-1877
Sunday School Periodicals, 1818-1885
Temperance in America, 1826-1877
Theology and Biblical Studies Periodicals, 1760-1877
Women's Periodicals of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century, 1733-1844
Women's Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1845-1865
Women's Periodicals of the Nineteenth Century, 1866-1891