Special Collections is the repository for rare and unique materials in the Walker Library. Its mission is to acquire, preserve, and provide access to valuable, unique, and fragile items.
Special Collections is located on the 4th floor of the Walker Library and is open to the public.
Fall Semester Hours (beginning 8/26/2024)
Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed
Intercession (December 16, 2204 - January 17, 2025)
By Appointment Only
Please call or email ahead
Special Collections will be closed
December 12 : 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Fall Semester Hours beginning August 26, 2024
Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm
Saturday and Sunday Closed
To schedule an appointment, please send an email to libspeccoll@mtsu.edu or call 615-904-8501 at least one working day prior to the day you want to visit.
During events, workshops, or class instruction sessions, the Reading Room and the Exhibition Room will be temporarily closed to walk-in patrons.
If traveling a distance, we recommend contacting us in advance to ensure access to the collections for your intended day and time.
General Inquiries
Email: libspeccoll@mtsu.edu
Phone: 615-904-8501
Ms. Susan Martin, Special Collections Librarian
615-898-2819 | susan.martin@mtsu.edu
Specialties: Archives, digital collection creation, exhibit creation, cataloging, curator of the Distilling, Fermenting, and Brewing; Philatelic; and Government Document collections.
Ms. Susan Hanson, Curator
615-904-8503 | susan.hanson@mtsu.edu
Specialties: Book conservation and preservation, exhibit curation, preparation, and installation, book arts, cataloging, curator of the Artist and Dimensional Book Collection.
In addition to Special Collections, there are several campus research centers that are open for your exploration.
These centers are not affiliated with the library and have their own operating hours and policies. Visit their websites to learn specific information before visiting,
Albert Gore Research Center. The Albert Gore Research Center is a unit of the College of Liberal Arts at Middle Tennessee State University, and functions as an institution dedicated to the study of modern American politics, education, and Southern U.S. history, with an emphasis on the participation of people and organizations from Middle Tennessee. It also houses the University archives.
Center for Popular Music. The Center for Popular Music (CPM) is a research center devoted to the study and scholarship of popular music in America. The Center maintains an archive of research materials stretching from the early eighteenth century to the present and develops and sponsors programs in vernacular music.
Center for Historic Preservation. Established in 1984 as MTSU's first Center of Excellence, the Center for Historic Preservation works with communities to interpret and promote their historic assets through education, research, and preservation.