All Walker Library Special Collections materials are non-circulating and must be used in the Reading Room.
Briefcases, backpacks, bags, and other items brought into the Reading Room are subject to inspection when visitors leave the area. Lockers are available for storing these items while users are in Special Collections.
No food or drink is allowed in the area. Smoking is prohibited.
Cellular phones should be turned on silent or vibrate-only. Phone calls should be taken outside of the area.
Pencils and not pens should be used in the Reading Room.
Pencils must be used when utilizing materials from the vault.
Laptops may be used.
With the exception of the Reference collection, all materials are secured in the vault and must be paged by Special Collections staff.
All materials must remain on the table.
Fragile or rare items may require handling by staff. Use of some materials may be otherwise restricted at the discretion of staff.
Photocopying and digital imaging are considered on an item-by-item basis and may not be immediately accommodated.
The current legal status of copyright regulates the photo-reproduction of MTSU theses. By law, we cannot photocopy entire or substantial portions of any MTSU thesis without permission conveyed in a letter signed and mailed to Special Collections by the author.