Special Collections has a growing collection of archival material. To access our archival material, you will need to use a finding aid. This page provides some basic instruction on using finding aids, as well as access to them.
Special Collections staff are available to answer questions and assist researchers on using our finding aids and locating archival materials in our collections.
In our online catalog, you may encounter a reference to something called a finding aid. A finding aid is a detailed document prepared by archivists or librarians that informs researchers about an archival or manuscript collection. It provides more information than a library or database catalog record. The finding aid tells you what you can expect if you choose to conduct research within that collection.
The finding aid gives researchers an understanding of
It is important to review the finding aid before you go to the archive in person to consult a collection. It is not necessary to read it from beginning to end, like an article.
Some of our finding aids are available online through the catalog and others are available through our webpage and LibGuide. You might have questions about the collection or the finding aid. We are available to assist you in understanding the finding and the collection. You may stop in to Special Collections in-person or ask your question via email.