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The census records on Tennessee that are kept in microtext are all from United States census data. There are several
census reels that may be of historical or genealogical interest. More recent census information is available
in print in the Reference section.
Population schedules of the 3d census of the United States, 1810, Tennessee: Rutherford Co.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #1)
Notes: One microfilm reel.
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (publisher's reel #63) --
Rutherford County.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #2)
Population schedules of the fourth census of the United States, 1820 [Tennessee]
Notes: 4 reels -- publisher's reel numbers 122-125
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (TN census box #1, publisher's reel #122) -- Bedford. Davidson. Hardin. Hickman. Humphreys. Montgomery.
Overton. Perry. Warren. Wayne. White. Wilson
Reel 2 (2/123) -- Dickson. Franklin. Jackson. Lawrence. Lincoln
Reel 3 (3/124) -- Giles. Maury. Rutherford. Shelby. Stewart. Sumner
Reel 4 (4/125) -- Robertson. Smith. Williamson.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #3)
Population schedules of the 5th census of the United States, 1830, [Tennessee].
Notes: 9 reels -- publisher's numbers 174-182.
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (5/174) -- Bedford, Carroll, Davidson, Dickson, Dyer.
Reel 2 (6/175) -- Carter, Marion, Monroe, Anderson, Washington, Bledsoe, Sullivan, Rhea.
Reel 3 (7/176) -- Fentress, Fayette, Franklin, Giles, Gibson, Hickman, Humphreys, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood.
Reel 4 (8/177) -- Henry, Henderson, Jackson, Lincoln, Lawrence, Maury.
Reel 5 (9/178) -- Hawkins, Sevier, McMinn, Campbell, Blount, Knox.
Reel 6 (10/179) -- Montgomery, Madison, McNairy, Obion, Overton, Perry,
Rutherford, Robertson.
Reel 7 (11/180) -- Roane, Hamilton, Morgan, Claiborne, Greene, Cocke, Jefferson, Grainger.
Reel 8 (12/181) -- Shelby, Smith, Sumner, Stewart, Tipton, Warren.
Reel 9 (13/182) -- White, Wilson, Williamson, Wayne, Weakley.
Population schedules of the 6th census of the United States, 1840, Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #4)
Notes: 8 reels -- publisher's reel numbers 164-171.
Reel Contents
Reel 1 (14/164) -- Anderson, Blount, Bledsoe, Campbell, Bradley, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke.
Reel 2 (15/165) -- Bedford, Cannon, Coffee, Dickson, De Kalb, Davison, Benton, Carroll, Dyer, Fayette.
Reel 3 (16/166) -- Fayette (cont'd), Gibson, Hardeman, Haywood, Henderson, Hardin, Henry, Fentress, Franklin,
Giles, Hickman, Humphreys.
Reel 4 (17/167) -- Humphreys (cont'd), Jackson, Greene, Grainger, Hamilton, Hawkins, Johnson, Jefferson,
Knox, McMinn.
Reel 5 (18/168) -- McMinn(cont'd), Monroe, Morgan, Meigs, Marion, Lauderdale, McNairy, Madison, Obion, Perry,
Shelby, Tipton, Weakley.
Reel 6 (19/169) -- Lincoln, Lawrence, Marshall, Montgomery, Maury, Overton,
Reel 7 (20/170) Robertson, Smith, Stewart, Sumner, Polk, Phea, Roane, Sullivan, Sevier, Washington.
Reel 8 (21/171) -- White, Wayne, Williamson, Wilson, Warren.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Boxes #5-8)
Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850: Tennessee.
Notes: List of reel contents is not available in the online catalog. Extra duplicate reel.
Publisher's reel numbers 869-907.
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (census box #22, publisher's reel #869) -- Anderson, Bedford.
Reel 2 (23/870) -- Benton, Bledsoe.
Reel 3 (24/871) -- Blount, Bradley.
Reel 4 (25/872) -- Campbell, Cannon.
Reel 5 (26/873) -- Carroll, Carter.
Reel 6 (27/874) -- Claiborne, Cook.
Reel 7 (28/875) -- Coffee, Davidson.
Reel 8 (29/876) -- Decatur, DeKalb, Dickerson.
Reel 9 (29a) -- Duplicate of Decatur.
Reel 10 (30/877) -- Dyer, Fayette, Fentress.
Reel 11 (31/878) -- Franklin, Bigson.
Reel 12 (32/879) -- Giles.
Reel 13 (33/880) -- Grainger, Breene.
Reel 14 (34/881) -- Grundy, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardeman.
Reel 15 (35/882) -- Hardin, Hawkins.
Reel 16 (36/883) -- Haywood, Henderson.
Reel 17 (37/884) -- Henry, Hickman, Humphreys.
Reel 18 (38/885) -- Jackson, Jefferson.
Reel 19 (39/886) -- Johnson, Knox, Lauderdale, Lawrence. Reel 20 (40/887) -- Lewis, Lincoln, McMinn.
Reel 21 (41/888) -- McNairy, Macon.
Reel 22 (42/889) -- Madison, Marion.
Reel 24 (43/890) -- Marshall, Maury, Meigs.
Reel 25 (44/891) -- Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Obion.
Reel 26 (45/892) -- Overton, Perry, Polk.
Reel 27 (46/893) -- Rhea, Roane.
Reel 28 (47/894) -- Robertson,
Reel 29 (48/895) -- Scott, Sevier, Shelby.
Reel 30 (49/896) -- Smith, Stewart.
Reel 31 (50/897) -- Sullivan, Sumner, Tipton, Van Buren.
Reel 32 (51/898) -- Warren, Washington.
Reel 33 (52/899) -- Wayne, Weakley.
Reel 34 (53/900) -- While, Williamson.
Reel 35 (54/901) -- Wilson.
Reel 36 (55/902) -- SLAVE CENSUS: Anderson, Bedford, Benton, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Campbell, Cannon,
Carroll, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Coffee, Davidson, Decatur, DeKalb, Dickson, Dyer.
Reel 37 (56/903) -- Fayette, Fentress, Franklin, Gibson, Giles, Grainger, Greene, Grundy, Hamilton, Hancock,
Reel 38 (57/904) -- Hardin, Hawkins, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jackson, Jefferson,
Johnson, Knox, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln.
Reel 39 (58/905) -- McMinn, McNairy, Macon, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Maury, Meigs, Monroe, Montgomery,
Reel 40 (59/906) -- Obion, Overton, Perry, Polk, Rhea, Roane, Robertson,
Rutherford, Scott, Sevier, Shelby.
Reel 41 (60/907) -- Smith, Stewart, Sullivan, Sumner, Tipton, Van Buren, Warren, Washington, Wilson.
8th census, 1860, Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #9)
Notes: Microfilm copy (positive) of the original population census schedules taken in longhand
by the census enumerators. On 9 reels -- publisher's numbers range 271-279.
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (census box #61, publisher's reel #271) -- Anderson, Bedford, Benton, Bledsoe, Campbell, Blount,
Bradley, Cannon, , Carter, Carroll, Cheatham, Claiborne, Cocke.
Reel 2 (62/272) -- Cocke (cont'd) Cumberland, Coffee, Davidson, Decatur, De Kalb, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette,
Fentress, Franklin, Gibson.
Reel 3 (63/273) -- Gibson (cont'd) Grainger, Giles, Greene, Grundy, Hancock, Hamilton, Hardeman, Hardin,
Reel 4 (64/274) -- Hawkins, Henderson, Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox.
Reel 5 (65/275) -- Knox (cont'd) Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, McMinn, McNairy, Macon, Madison,
Marion, Maury.
Reel 6 (66/276) -- Marshall, Meigs, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Obion, Overton, Perry, Polk, Rhea, Putnam,
Roane, Robertson.
Reel 7 (67/277) -- Sevier, Robertson (cont'd)
Rutherford, Scott, Sequatchie, Smith, Stewart, Shelby, Warren.
Reel 8 (68/278) -- Sullivan, Sumner, Tipton, Union, Van Buren, Washington, Wayne, Weakley, White, Williamson,
Reel 9 (69/279) -- Slave schedules. Anderson - Wilson.
Ninth census of the United States: 1870. Population: Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #10-11)
Notes: 14 reels. Publisher's numbers 383-394.
Reel Contents:
Reel 1 (census box #70, publisher reel #383) -- Anderson, Bedford, Benton, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Campbell,
Cannon, Carroll.
Reel 2 (#71/384) -- Carroll, Carter, Cheatham, Claiborne, Cocke, Coffee, Cumberland, Davidson.
Reel 3 (72/835) -- Davidson, Decatur, DeKalb, Dickson.
Reel 4 (73/836) -- Dyer, Fayette, Fentress, Franklin, Gibson, Biles.
Reel 5 (74/837) -- Giles, Grainger, Greene, Grundy, Hamilton, Hancock, Hardeman.
Reel 6 (75/838) -- Hardeman, Hardin, Hawkins, Haywood, Henderson, Henry.
Reel 7 (76/839) -- Henry, Hickman, Humphreys, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox.
Reel 8 (77/390) -- Knox, Lake, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, Marion.
Reel 9 (78/391) -- Marshall, Maury, McMinn, Mc Nairy, Meigs, Monroe.
Reel 10 (79/392) -- Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Obion, Overton, Perry, Polk, Putnam, Rhea.
Reel 11 (78/393) -- Rea, Roane, Robertson,
Rutherford, Scott, Sequatchie, Sevier.
Reel 12 (79/394) -- Shelby, Smith.
Reel 13 (80/395) -- Stewart, Sullivan, Sumner, Tipton, Union, Van Buren, Warren, Washington.
Reel; 14 (81/396) -- Washington, Wayne, Weakley, White, Williamson, Wilson.
10th census, 1880.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #12-15)
Notes:44 reels. Individual reel listing omitted at this time. May be added to this page later.
Eleventh census of the United States: 1890. Schedules enumerating Union veterans and widows of Union
veterans of the Civil War: Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13 (Green Box #16)
Notes: After this census, Green Boxes are not numbered, or not numbered in chronological sequence.
These numbers will be omitted in following records. Check box label for correct title, and individual reel
numbers for coverage. There is also a paper index and reel guide. 4 reels.
12th census of population, 1900 : Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13
Notes: Check box label for correct title, and individual reel numbers for coverage. There is
also a paper index and reel guide.
13th census of population, 1910 : Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13
Notes: Check box label for correct title, and individual reel numbers for coverage. There is
also a paper index and reel guide. 37 reels.
14th census of population, 1920, Tennessee.
Call number: MFM 13
Notes: Check box label for correct title, and individual reel numbers for coverage. There is
also a paper index and reel guide. 44 reels.
Other Census Material
There is not much census data unrelated to Tennessee on microforms. A short list follows. You may wish to consult
the library catalog or a librarian to search in other media.
State censuses
Call number: MFE 1682
Notes: 12 microfiche sheets.
Fiche contents:
ALABAMA 1838, 1840, 1844
GEORGIA 1824, 1831
INDIANA 1801, 1815
MISSISSIPPI 1816, 1880
TENNESSEE 1805, 1812, 1819, 1820
TEXAS 1847
TEXAS 1847-48
Tabular statements of the several branches of American manufactures, exhibiting them I. By states, territories
and districts, II. By counties, cities and towns, so far as they are returned in the reports of the
marshals, and of the secretaries of the territories, and their respective assistants, in the autumn
of the year 1810; together with similar returns of certain doubtful goods, productions of the soil
and agricultural stock, as far as they have been received.
Call number: MFM 1144