Map Room Messages of President Roosevelt
(1939-1945) MFM 731
In addition to the Map Room Papers, this collection contains
communications between President Franklin Roosevelt and Churchill,
Stalin, Chiang Kai-Shek, Harriman (Ambassador to Moscow), Hurley
(Ambassador to China), and Winant (Ambassador to Great
Britain). Also included are Roosevelt's personal file, 1941-1944,
his secretary's file, and miscellaneous presidential messages.
The Presidential Diaries of Henry Morgenthau, Jr.
(1938-1945) MFM 732
This collection contains memos, letters, press releases, and notes
of communications between Morgenthau, who was U.S. Secretary
of the Treasury, and Presidents Roosevelt and Truman. Subjects
include public finance, Lend-Lease, Victory Bonds, and currency
questions during World War II.
Records and Documents Relating to the Third
Reich MFM 938
Todd Library has two parts from this collection: DJ09 "Selected
German Foreign Military Studies II and Guide to Foreign Military
Studies, 1945-54" and DJ66 "American Navy's Translation of Fuhrer
Conferences on Matters Dealing with the German Navy, 1939-1945."
From the Foreign Military Studies Program of the Historical
Division of the U.S. Army, Europe.
World War II through the American Newsreels,
1942-1945 MFE
Collection of newsreel still photos (1942-45) reproduced by five
major film companies: Twentieth Century-Fox, RKO MGM,
Paramount, and Universal. World War II is covered by two kinds of
reportage: reports from the home-front and reports from overseas.