Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts in Microfiche Facsimile MFE
This collection of nearly 500 manuscripts includes the entire extant body of works in Anglo-Saxon/Old English. The manuscripts are produced in their entirety, although some of the material includes commentary from later periods in English literature. The collection is an invaluable source of material for scholars researching Old English literature and Anglo-Saxon society.
British Literary Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library,
Oxford MFM 1343
In recent years, the Rawlinson Poetry Manuscripts' fame has been enhanced by the attribution of the poem "Shall I Dye I Flye" from a poetry miscellany (Rawlinson Poetry Manuscript 160) to Shakespeare, and its subsequent inclusion in an edition of the Complete Works.
This manuscript is just one of 96 presented here, which include texts by Elkanah Settle (Pastor Fido); Sir Philip Sidney (translation of the Psalms with the Countess of Pembroke); Ben Jonson (poems on the birth of Charles II and the Ode to Himself); William Killigrew (The Seige of Urbin); George Herbert (Memoria Matris Sacrum II); Philip Massinger (The Fatal Dowry); Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher (The Nice Valour) and many others.
Part Two includes the English Poetry class of Manuscripts from the Bodleian Library. Many of these manuscripts are basic texts for the attribution of poems to the canons of John Donne, Thomas Traherne, Henry King and Robert Southwell.
Part Three covers ten collections which are of great historical interest, but not exclusively literary in context. Among the outstanding pieces are the "Wyburd manuscript," an important source of verse by Carew and Drayton, along with verse and prose by John Donne; and Sir Philip Sidney's letter to Queen Elizabeth touching on her marriage.
British Literary Manuscripts from Cambridge University
Library MFM 1345
Principal works by major authors abound. Chaucer is represented by four varying texts of
The Canterbury Tales (Dd IV 24, Gg IV 27, Ii III 26, and Mm II 5) and by minor works ranging from his Tractatus de Conclusionibus Astrolabii (Dd III 53) to the Lament of Jack Upland against Antichrist and His Disciples (Ff VI 2) and the Poem of the Cuckow and the Nightingale (Ff I 6).
Other significant authors include Walter Map or Mapes (c.1137 - before 1209), Robert Grosseteste (d.1253), John de Trevi'sa (1326-1412), and John Wycliff (c.1320-1384).
British Literary Manuscripts from the British Library,
London MFM 1342
Series One covers the English Renaissance from the Tudor Period to the Restoration, c.1500-c.1700. The full scope of literary achievement during this period is represented, from the evolution of humanist literature, through to the explosion of Renaissance experimentation during the Elizabethan era, the metaphysical poetry and revenge tragedies of the Jacobean years, the political and religious polemic of the Civil War and the final exuberance of Restoration comedies and Dissenting satire. The second series of material from the British Library covers all aspects of 18th century literary activity. Biography, travel writing, poetry, drama and the novel are all well represented. The age of neo-classicism and the emergent Romantic movement is extensively documented, with key texts and many outstanding manuscripts for major authors.
British Literary Manuscripts from the National Library of
Scotland, Edinburgh MFM 1335
This collection includes Scottish and British literary manuscripts from the Advocates' Library and other collections in the National Library of Scotland, covering material from the early Middle Ages to the early Jacobite era. Among the manuscripts included are Wyntoun's Chronicle and Hoccleve's De Regimine Principum, along with Hawthornden Manuscripts and works by Andrew Melville, George Lander and the younger John Donne. The Medieval collection contains Scottish ballads, pasquils, verses, satires and early fourteenth century Auchinleck manuscripts which contain romances.
Countee Cullen Papers, 1922-1969 MFM 321
Countee Cullen (1903-1946) was a leading figure of the Harlem Renaissance. He was a lyric poet, playwright and novelist, and a teacher of French,
English and Creative Writing at Frederick Douglass Junior High School, New York City. Among these papers are Cullen's writings; correspondence;
accounts and legal papers; a fragmentary diary (1928); teaching plan books; sheet music; and other miscellaneous papers. The writings include
manuscripts of his juvenile novels, The Lost Zoo (1940), My Nine Lives and How I Lost Them (1940), and "The Monkey Baboon"
(unpublished, n.d.); his plays, "The Medea of Euripides" (1935), "One Way to Heaven" [ca. 1932]. "Heaven's My Home" by Mr. Cullen and
Harry Hamilton (unpublished, n.d.), and "St. Louis Woman" by Arna Bontemps and Mr. Cullen (1935 and later versions); poetry, some set to music; and
miscellaneous others. Also included are theses and articles written about the life and writings of Cullen. The originals are in the Armistad Research
Center, Dillard University, New Orleans, LA.
Dime Novels: Escape Fiction of the Nineteenth Century MFM 1275
Early American Imprints, 1639-1800 MPT 14
The microprint edition of the complete text of every extant book, pamphlet, and broadside printed in the U.S. in the years 1639 through 1800 (including
more than 42,000 items). Edited by Dr. Clifford K. Shipton and based on Charles Evans' American Bibliography and Roger P. Bistol's
Supplement to Charles Evans' "American Bibliography" (R 015.73 /Ev1a). Although Evans lists serial titles, only non-serial titles are included
in the microprint collection. Titles are arranged chronologically using the order of entry and numbers assigned in the Evans bibliography.
The Early and Central Middle Ages, c.650-c.1200 AD, The
Manuscript Record MFM 1344
The collection includes 100 manuscript volumes drawn from the holdings of Cambridge University Library. The manuscripts cover the whole period of Old English literature, c.650-1000 A.D., and represent Anglo-Saxon, Latin and other traditions extant in Britain to the end of the 12th century. Included are literary, theological and philosophical works, psalters, lives of saints, charters, gospels, historical miscellanies and bestiaries.
Early English Text Society [Publications] MCD 1139-1358
Reproduces books written in the 12th through the 16th centuries on such subjects as literature, history, geography, economy, religion, language, etc.
Includes works about King Arthur, Charlemagne, Piers the Plowman, and many, many other subjects.
English Literary Periodicals MFM 133
Consists of 223 periodical titles published during the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries selected for inclusion by Prof. Richmond Bond of the University of North
Carolina and a committee of scholars. Works by well-known British writers as well as those of lesser fame are represented. While predominately literary
in nature, these periodicals provide incomparable detail about British life and culture, thus providing material for research in many sub-disciplines of English
literature and history.
New Shakspere Society Publications, 1874-1904 MCD 1403-1409
Divided into the following series: (I)Transactions, 1874-1904, 73 cards; (II)Plays, 49 cards; (III)Originals and Analogues, 4 cards; (IV)Shakspere Allusion
Books, 28 cards; (V)Contemporary Drama - never issued; (VI)Shakspere's England, 55 cards; (VII)English Mysteries, Miracle Plays, etc., 6 cards;
(VIII)Miscellanies, 18 cards.
The Tudor Facsimile Texts MFM 309
The collection of the Tudor Facsimile Texts by John Stephen Farmer (d.1915) is the most ambitious and best executed series of reproductions of early
English drama available. Of the 146 volumes containing 152 titles, at least 60 were written in the period of the development of drama before 1590.
Another 40 belong to the final decade of the 16th century when Shakespeare was writing half of his plays, another 35 during the first decade of the 17th
century, and the rest scattered over the remaining years before the closing of the theaters in 1642. While the names of the famous do appear (including
three early Shakespeare quartos and unique copies of some of Marlowe) most of the plays are the work of playwrights regarded as minor or unidentified.
This collection is also available in print in the main collection 822.3/T811.
Corefiche: Books Listed in the "Essay and General Literature Index" MFE 4350
This is an on-going publishing enterprise offering the books indexed in Essay and General Literature Index. EGLI accesses essays published
between 1900 and the present on such subjects as art, biography, economics, education, history, literature, music, philosophy, political science, religion,
and sociology. Currently eight phases are complete, including over 1,600 volumes and more than 27,000 essays on microfiche. The fiche in each phase
are arranged alphabetically, in conformity to the EGLI. In addition, there is a continuous sequence of numbers that make the fiche accessible through
Roth's Essay Index by author, title, and subject. Also included are about 300 microfiche titled Corefiche; Short Stories which
reproduce books of short stories arranged by author, with separate index.