American Public Opinion Data, 1988, 1989 MFE 4355
A wealth of information is collected each year by polling organizations. By asking factual questions polls determine what people know
about everything from geography to the name of their governor. Surveys also provide information about what people do on a regular
basis, what they have done in the past, and what they plan to do in the future. American Public Opinion Index and the companion
microfiche set, American Public Opinion Data, report the results of surveys conducted by more than 140 polling
organizations with scientifically drawn random samples of national, state, and local universes of the general public. Entries in the index
are the questions asked in the survey, arranged by subject. The responses to nearly all of the questions included in the index can be
found in the microfiche set.
Housing and Urban Affairs, 1965-1976 and Update 1978 MFE 1443
The basic collection contains 1,189 titles on 2,915 microfiche and Update 78 adds 231 titles on 600 microfiche, all chosen from the
holdings of the library of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Washington, D.C. Items are principally reports and
studies selected "for their intrinsic importance" and "probable lack of wide circulation" Two valuable resources included are a
complete file of the periodical Housing and Planning References, 1948-1976, which topically lists new books and HUD publications;
and eighty-eight National Housing Policy Review papers of 1973-74 which provide primary resource material on such areas as fair
housing, subsidies, and public assistance.
Human Relations Area Files MFE 2850
Primary source materials (published books and articles, as well as some unpublished manuscripts) on a large sample of cultures or
societies, mainly primitive, representing all major areas of the world. The purpose of the files is to facilitate research emphasizing
the worldwide, comparative study of human behavior, culture, and society. The materials are organized by a unique system designed
to bring together all known cultures and all aspects of human behavior. Todd Library has the files covering North America and South
NewsBank 1975- MFE 921
A monthly reference service providing full-text articles of research value selected by information specialists from the newspapers and
regional business publications of over 450 U.S. cities. It includes articles which address national concerns such as arts, business,
education, environment, health, international affairs, law, science and technology, transportation, welfare, and others. A printed index
is published monthly and cumulated quarterly and annually. For a similar service covering the years 1973-1975 see Update (MFE
Sears, Roebuck and Company Catalog MFM 67
A complete set of reproductions of the famous mail-order catalog from 1888 to the present. An excellent source for the history of
personal fashions and home decor, the evolution of tools and machinery, and even such items as canned goods.
U.S. Government Documents MFE 1437
A miscellaneous collection of federal government documents distributed through the document depository program in microfiche
format. Individual titles are arranged according to Superintendent of Documents classification number. Publication dates range from
early 1970's to date.