Annual Reports of the Labour Party, 1900-1960
MFM 774
Reports, beginning with the inaugural conference, include lists of
officers and Executive Committee, reports of Executive Committee,
party's annual balance sheet, conference proceedings, and appendix.
In 1907 a Parliamentary Report was added and since 1930 this
included a special section on the Labour Group in the House of
Lords. An index (not always reliable) was added in 1906. These
reports portray the changing moods of the Labour Party and reveal
the main antagonists and differing opinions for which they stand.
Appendices contain the constitution, standing orders, manifestoes,
lists, and reports of negotiation.
Annual Reports of the Trades Union Congress,
1869-1982 MFM 773
Reproduces reports of the proceedings of the congresses. Many of
the same issues were discussed at this congress and the Labour
Party Conferences (see MFM 774 above).
History of American Business MFE 4348
A primary source of hard-to-find information on the American
economy, this collection contains 50 serial publications which
current economic, industrial, and commercial data through 1975.
Subjects include transportation, insurance, alcoholic beverages,
and utilities, finances, investments, stocks, industrial data, and
major federal reserve banks' monthly reviews.
IRS Forms MFE 4349
Microfiche reprint edition of Internal Revenue Service forms for
the years 1864-1990. Part I contains 1864-1986 combined filed with
all numerical forms in numerical order followed by alphabetical
forms in alphabetical order. Part II contains annual supplements,
arranged as the main collection.
The John Mitchell Papers, 1885-1919 MFM 323
John Mitchell (1870-1919) was a leader in the United Mine Workers
of America and other organizations and was a pace-setter in labor-
management relations. These papers, from the manuscript collection
of the Catholic University of America Library, are organized into
five series: I - Correspondence 1885-1919; II - United Mine Workers
of America Minutes, Proceedings, Constitutions, and Reports,
1891-1908; III - Miscellaneous minutes, proceedings, and reports
1902-1919; IV - Printed matter 1888-1912 consisting of 45 pamphlets
concerning labor; V - Photographs.
Recessions, Depressions, and Economic Panics in American
History MFM
Reproduces many pamphlets, speeches and addresses, books,
Congressional Reports and Hearings, conference reports, etc.
dealing with
the subject from 1815 to 1974.