Conspiracy Trials in America, 1919-1953: U.S. vs Hiss MFM 948
Transcripts of the proceedings, testimony, etc. of the conspiracy trial in 1948-49 of Alger Hiss, accused of giving confidential state
documents to Whittaker Chambers, a confessed former Communist spy, in the 1930's.
Conspiracy Trials in America, 1919-1953: U.S. vs Rosenberg MFM
Transcript of the trials, exhibits, appeal briefs, opinions, etc. as filed in the U.S. Supreme Court, 1951, of the trial of Ethel and Julius
Rosenberg and Morton Sobell accused of delivering U.S. National Defense documents to U.S.S.R. from 1944 to 1950. The Rosenbergs
were executed in 1953, becoming the first U.S. civilians ever put to death for wartime spying.
Sacco-Vanzetti Case Papers MFM 1174
The controversial murder trial of two Italian immigrants, Sacco and Vanzetti, in Massachusetts in 1921 attracted worldwide attention.
Many people thought there was not enough evidence to prove their guilt and that they were convicted because they supported political
anarchism. Appeals and reviews lasted six years, but they were both executed in August, 1927. The approximately 2,000 items in
this collection include transcripts and stenographic records of examinations of witnesses, hearings, trial records, motions for new
trials, and other court records as well as correspondence, clippings, printed material, and memorabilia.
Scopes Case MFM 950
Includes 831 pages of trial transcripts and records of the trial held in Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925, of John Thomas Scopes, charged
with violating the Anti Evolution Law. The lawyers involved included William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow.
Omnibus Copyright Revision Legislative History, 1960-1976 MFE
A series of committee prints published by the Committee on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights,
presenting studies prepared under the supervision of the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress with a view to considering a
general revision of the copyright law (Title 17, USC). Beginning in 1955 the Copyright Office studied copyright law and practice,
history, and problems which appear to call for consideration in a general revision of the law. The reports present the issues and
alternatives for their resolution as well as views of various persons on the issues. Contributes to a better understanding of copyright
law and practice.