Microfiche Library of Gerontology and Geriatrics (Association for Gerontology in Higher
Education, Update) MFE 4354
A collection of about 700 titles of training materials covering the psychological, behavioral and social, and health care aspects of aging
as well as oral history section and design/evaluation materials.
National Clearinghouse on Aging; SCAN Microfiche Collection MFE
A collection of approximately 4,000 microfiche documents related to aging distributed to repository libraries by the U.S. Administration
on Aging, Service Center for Aging Information (SCAN). More than half of the documents are reports, mainly final reports from
projects funded by AoA. Another third are journal articles and the rest are a mixture of types. Publication dates range from 1966
to 1982 with no plans for additional microfiche. Arrangement is by CF number available through the index.